Part 2

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“Well that was a disappointment” He said clanging his fork on the plate. “You eat steady now while I continue the story.” I rolled my eyes hoping he would give me piece while I eat.

“So my dear friend had just said yes to Nurgle. So they began their walk down that dark passage hunting for Skaven, the rat things. Well, after a while of trudging through the sewers the tunnel had led to. My friend Jared started to wonder to himself, should he follow Nurgle? What was in it for him? So the doubt set in and then after a little while he felt that strange tingle that he’d felt when his Tomb Rot had stopped, and he swore he heard the giggling chuckle again of the thing he’d spoken to. They carried of walking and the thought that the sewer suddenly got bigger and he stumbled, losing balance on his feet that suddenly felt very small. He fell into the filth down there, and when his followers pulled him, my oh my, they were shocked at what they saw. His head was missing! They looked down to see if it had fallen off and that’s when he spoke.”

“'What are you doing?' He asked them his voice muffled; his hands were wiping the filth from his stomach and groin. The assassin came nearest and pulled their new champions clothes away, well they found his head, well features, they had slid down his body, All his facial features had appeared at his groin other than his eyes, they where higher up at his stomach just under the rib cage. His genitals had gone, he still doesn’t know where. The worse thing though, even worse than losing his manhood, was his feet. They no longer stayed on at the end of his legs, oh no, they were now attached to his hips, like giant ears, and his legs just finished in stumps.”

“Now it was during this that this followers already began to think their god may have made a bad decision on creating him the champion but they followed their vow. Which was a good thing as the chittering and scraping of skaven began to be heard. The two dark elves drew their swords and stood side by side to defend Jered. It was the assassin that moved forward to meet them, he moved through the other, not between, just through them. He rapped his cloak around himself and disappeared into the shadows.”

“Have you ever seen a skaven?” He broke off to ask me, if I could speak I would have told him no as they don’t exist but my rolling eyes and minor shake of the head encouraged him further.

“They are horrible rat people with the long scaly tails; the only problem with them other than being man people is that they are just as intelligent as us. Or more so with some of the people I’ve met” he began to laugh at his own joke.

“Anyway there was only a pair of them chatting in their own rat language and dragging rusty dented swords behind them. Suddenly their noses twitched and the caught the smell of the dark elves and locked their beady eyes on the two that were guarding Jered. They ran at a surprising speed their haunches pounding down as their wide feet held them stable ready to swing their swords all caked in filth. As they passed the assassins shadow, there were a bright glint of metal, and one had fallen to the floor. Its companion stopped and looked at his pack mate then looked up to watch the blade spin through the air and skewer it between the eyes, it fell to the floor twitching, and twitched once more when the knife was removed.”

“'We should move on' The gravelly voice of the assassin said, he point to the other two dark elves and the picked Jered up and holding an arm over each shoulder they moved off down the tunnels.”

“'We need to get to safe place to work out how I cannot encumber you' Jered said, he wasn’t quite a leader when he started let alone the uncaring leader of a chaos god he wanted the best and with his face in his crotch he wanted something that would be a bit more dignified. I ask you, how can you be dignified with your face in your crotch?” he erupted into laughter again as I realised there would be many days of these stories nothing was going to get me from him now as I couldn’t speak to get a reprieve. I can’t even run from him as I have no legs. I looked around the room and realised we were the only two occupied beds. I was doomed.

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