Part 3

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“Good Morning Beautiful!” The cheery voice awoke me with a start from a restless but dreamless sleep. My foot itched as it had done every day since it fell off, I can’t remember scratching it every morning but it was doing it now, when I couldn’t scratch it.

“I have told you before, please don’t call me that” The purple eyed nurse said

“But it’s all that keeps me going in here imagining your beauty” Mr Galen crooned, and I felt sick.

“And there was me thinking it was you telling people your story that kept you going” The nurse replied handing him a breakfast tray.

“Now you tease me my dear nurse. I see my willing audience is awake, don’t worry lad I’ll only continue once you’ve eaten.” He grinned at me and I grimaced inside. Once my liquid breakfast had been delivered and slowly eaten. Mr Galen took a deep breath and then begun once more.

“As I said my poor friend had lost his feet to his hips and his face to his you knows where. But luckily his filthy god had smiled on him and created one of his underlings into a disgusting spawn. But those dark elves of his had a plan, going through his tomb robbing gear they removed a sack and some rope and began fastening a strange mixture between and sling, a hammock and a chair attached to the back of that strange creature. They lifted him up, and he sat there like it was a throne he said, with these two giant scorpion tails over his shoulder and his eye level able to see through the split of the Siamese twins. Well what was stopping them? Nothing. They started off again into the tunnels looking for this Skaven lair. They went back to where they’d killed the pair and the Assassin and beastmen began doing their thing, the assassin looking for marks and the beastmen sniffing and listening and doing all that animal stuff...” he waved his hand showing how he didn’t understand the 'stuff'.

“Now what you’ve got to remember is that Skaven like filth as much a Nurgle minions do, so not only did they start following the signs of the Skaven they needed to kill but they also began following the putrescent decay that called to them. It was like a double bonus to them. Moving along at the head trying to lead the way with is spawn stead taking up most of the room in the sewer tunnel they listened for the chittering of the Skaven, with occasional grunts the beastmen told him to change direction down another tunnel. The smell of rot was getting stronger, there was something ahead, it looked like a giant slug from behind, wagging its tail and searching all the walls as if it had lost something. Then a person stepped out of the shadows, and the slug, somehow he said it jumped towards them and hug them with tentacles and all sorts. The beastmen grunted and the hug stopped, and then the thing noticed them.” I laid back on my bed and rolled my eyes wishing for lunch just so he’d be quiet for a moment, a slug that jumped, really, Sigmar give me strength.

“Have you ever heard of a beast of Nurgle, we’ll my dear friend Jered was looking at one sliming its way forward, weird flappy feet slapping on the ground, tentacles and lolling tongue as it came forward. The person that was with it had pressed to the side of the tunnel as it came passed. Jered braced himself for the attack and his spawn stead roar with its strange voice. What did the beast do to them...did it attack with claws and gnashing teeth...crush them under its girth? Oh no Mr C, oh no, it hugged them! Hugged them like a lost puppy. Slathered them with love.” He began laughing at the idea, the huge gut wobbling laugh that seemed to make his stomach continue longer than his voice.

“When it had finished the human, stepped forward. Now I forgot to say they had torches, oh my, oh my how could I forget that I bet you were thinking they could all see in the dark. Anyway as the human came into the light a shout sounded from behind him”

“'Doppelganger!'” Screamed one of the dark elves and they vaulted over Jered and went to attack the person in front. With a wave of their hand, a whisper of a word and a little spark as something disappeared. They stopped in mid air.”

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