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Busy town center, markets buzzing with life. Each store selling something new, something old and something pink. Poland emerges among the crowd; lovers, fathers, mothers, siblings. So much love, something brought is always to share (even when its unintentional).

The atmosphere is what brings Poland to smile. There was a small table with different kinds of gems, pots and glass. The little store did not quite fit in with the rest, the owner was not to be seen. Poland finds the items interesting, he gets a little closer to find a small silver cigarette case. "YoU likE tHat?" was spoken in a ill tone, old man like. In a shock Poland looks up to find a man curled up in a black blanket hidden in the corner, face was under the blanket too hard to make out any detail. Poland sprang into a straight posture, cooling down his expression and ever so elegantly moved his hand over the objects and said "I did not think the owner was by the stand." The cooped up man gave a loud cough in which he replied with "So what, you gonna steal tHAT." He gave a yelp to call for the police. In mild panic Poland tried to reassure the man that was not the intention. And in all efforts Poland finally states "FINE, I will buy all the Jewelry!" The man in the corner went silent, and for a short moment Poland was close to think the man went to sleep. "All. . . the Jewelry, eh?" there was sound of hope in the mans voice, one which the frog like sound was no longer there. The man stood up and started to walk towards the table, facing Poland on the other side. Poland's mind has been crashing with all sorts of curse words in every language man spoke. However he manged to keep a cool expression in front of the owner.

Returning to his home, Poland fell onto the soft bed with a loud sigh (followed by tantrum movements).

I am so sorry for not updating for SUCH A LONG TIME. I work full time so I don't have much time, however I have enjoyed writing again due to finishing a book series. Lots of love - Monkey16677

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