Day Dreams

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The beautiful trees performing a dance with rain, the winds melody leading the way. Poland listens to the music as the wind howls "Truly peaceful." Poland whispers to himself. The delicate lonely expression, and a light smile. As the dance of trees and rain was going on, Poland sighed and brought his knees closer; burying his face. 

The door opened slowly, Poland did not look only held his head up high. "Yes?" he asked only stared at what was out the window. A tiny cough came out "W-W-well...err." a nerves voice. Poland turned his head "Well spit it out already, I don't have all day." the shaky Latvia was by the door "Well...France is p-p-pay you a visit" Latvia bowed and left the room in a hurry. Poland frozen, the remembrance of what was said that sunny morning, but it would be more of a mess if Poland was to discount the visit.

Walking along the corridor, the thoughts of turning back and slight fear play into the mind. The door that makes the other invisible; Poland's heart was pounding. He put his hand on the cold handle, slowly twisting it making sure no sound was made. Light came through the tiny crack, before it was any bigger, Poland crunched his hand putting it against his chest. He taken the confidence and opened the door wide, making an entrance. France was looking out the window, having his back to Poland. "Such bad weather you are having." He comments. Poland not moving an inch, making a sour face. "I am sure you are not here to look at my climate." Poland walked towards the chair furthest from France; silent steps echoed. One minute felt like a century, Poland felt restless on why France even came for a 'visit'. France turned with elegance, his face has a tender look. But Poland can see a crack in that beautiful face. "Are you not going to offer a drink for your guest?" France said with a smug looking face. "Well, would you like one? Seeing as though you already made yourself at home, did not think to ask." Poland looking at his hands, suddenly remembering what happened in the hotel, he put them out of sight. "Ah yes, the sudden visit. I was doing my paper work then it hit me.....I missed you, so I got on the first plane here. You know as...friends would." France smiled with a grin, his eyes looking hungry. Poland alert, he gets up "What will it be: tea, coffee or alcohol?" Poland starts to walk towards the refreshment table "Please keep in mind I only have Heweliusz beer, Soplica Orzech Lasskowy vodka, Jezynowka brandy and Kararka wine." Poland looked at France waiting for an answer. France looked confused "Since when does your country make wine?" Poland pored two small glasses of it, walking towards France to hand it to him "Well, we're making a progress of growing it, however as you know my country is a bit cold for grapes. But south-east are making progress with the climate getting warmer." Poland explained. Both taking a sip at the same time, the bitter sweet taste burst out. France trying hard to look like it is enjoyable, while Poland looked down on his glass "Like I said; making progress." France let out a chuckle "On second thoughts I will have Jeznowka brandy." Poland walking back to get new glasses out "You sure? why not the vodka?" He let out a smile. "Well the last time I tried your vodka I could not stand up...or was that Russia's?" Poland turned "Wait, on that night me and Russia poured our vodka together don't know what you thought it was, but drank it like water." The both stared to laugh. France calming down he looked at Poland "You know what, lets pastime with a little game." Poland immediately stopped, stud like a solider. France was amused by how Poland can get frightened so easy. He got closer "Oh look at the time, I have to go now." France close to Poand's neck "It was great seeing you again Feliks." he whispered. A harsh cold chill went down Poland's spine, back of his hair stick up. 

The door shut.

Poland fell to his knees with cold sweat. Heart raising. No one calls me Feliks, and I mean NO ONE. Poland screaming inside, curled up in a ball. Hoping to disappear like so many times before. 

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