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He saved the best of himself 

for the heart that understood the worst


They emerged from the woods to find a waiting party.

Chairs were set up facing the woods, waiting in anticipation for the Alpha's return.

It was just a handful of people- Stephen, Jackson, Grace, John and Jackie.

Daisy though took note of a new face one she had not seen before.

The male stepped forward and rushed towards Jay, throwing himself onto him.

"Jay!" He yelled.

Jay smiled a full smile and hugged the male back. They broke apart and the man handed Jay a set of shorts that he quickly put on.

"Lewis," Jay said nodding up to his brother.

Lewis however slapped Jay's head hard.

Daisy gasped and looked at the others but they seemed non fazed.

"How could you do that to me! My poor heart! And you have a mate! Why didn't you call telling me you had a mate!" Lewis turned to Daisy and looked her up and down, before extending his hand.

"Lewis, Luna of the Transbloom Pack," Daisy nodded and took his hand.

Lewis turned back to focus his attention on his brother, "I was worried sick! I was helpless and Jewels was mad she couldn't go and now she's angry that I didn't need to come and John has been an ass like always and I hate driving, you know I do but noooo who had to go and lose control and shift into super-freak mode?"

Daisy felt her chin drop open several feet as she took in Jay's brother, who was the complete opposite of her mate.

His mouth would have kept running and insulting whoever was in sight had Jay not interrupted him. "It's fine Lewis. Daisy calmed me."

Lewis evaluated Daisy once more, his eyes making her feel as if he was more observant than he let on.

"You must be hungry though," Lewis threw his arm over Jay as he led his brother inside, "I made my special tomato soup for you while I waited!"

Daisy followed at a distance and stopped when she felt Grace's arm grab her, "Daisy I...Thank you." Grace seemed upset over her last words spoken to Daisy, "I'm sorry for what I said also," she whispered.

Daisy nodded and gave the she-wolf a small smile. She knew Grace cared deeply for her mate. John watched the interaction with glaring eyes.

The rest of the group followed inside and sat down at the table, eating Lewis's 'famous' tomato soup as Jackie finally voiced what was on everyone's mind.

"Alpha...you're marked."
Head's swiveled to get a better look at Jay's shoulder before they turned to look at Daisy's equally marked body.

A collective sigh of relief could be heard from the group. Finally.

Jay nodded. "The moon blessing within Daisy has done something. It took away the darkness that was inside of me that I could not control. Because we are marked and mated now, I no longer feel that presence within me. I feel...light."

The wide eyes of the group switched back and forth from Jay to Daisy as they processed the new information.

"Well that's nice," Lewis said, pouring more soup into his brother's bowl and wiping his hands, ignoring the thin pressed stares that were glared his way.

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