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If people were rain, 

I was  drizzle

and she was a hurricane 


Daisy found herself looking through the small window into the room again.

She and Doctor Schulman both pressed against it as they watched Alpha Jay.

He sat on a chair, conversing to the two wolfs.

Victoria, when she had first seen him, had growled, threatening him.

He slowly took her ear and twisted it.

She winced in pain, then winced again when her pain caused her to clench her deformed teeth.

"Alpha please," Doctor Schulman had whispered. He didn't ask much from his Alpha, but he couldn't stand to see another wolf in pain.

Now as the two watched, they each wondered why Jay had come and what he could possibly be talking about.

"I can't hear," Daisy whispered.

Doctor Schulman shook his head, "this is the first time I'm regretting a sound proof medical room."

Daisy sighed in frustration as they continued their watch.

They both shivered when Jay would occasionally raise his hand to pet or stroke Richmond and Victoria.

"Do you think this is some form of torture?" Daisy asked.

"I'm not sure...He didn't do this last time when-," Doctor Schulman paused and glanced at Daisy.

"Tell me," Daisy pressed.

The doctor shook his head, "It's best if the Alpha does."
"He tells me nothing Doc. Tell me just a little. It doesn't have to be about him. If it's about the pack's past then I want to know."

Doctor Schulman looked at Daisy and sighed, "Our pack custom for Alpha is, you cannot be Alpha until you beat the previous Alpha."

Daisy nodded, "So you mean Jay's father?"

Doctor Schulman nodded slowly, "he was... not a good Alpha...he made Jay and Lewis's lives hard."

"Wait..." Daisy felt her heart speed up as she turned to the doctor, "whose Lewis?"

Doctor Schulman turned pale white as he realized he had reveled something about his Alpha that he had not already told her.

"No I didn't realize....," He quickly turned around and left Daisy in the hall.

Later that night, as Daisy and Jay did their routine snuggle under the moon and a warm blanket, Daisy asked the question that had bothered her all day.

"Who is Lewis?"

Jay stiffened under her. She looked up and shivered at the hard glare directed towards her. He was mad.

"Who told you."

Daisy shook her head. She wouldn't give Doc away.

"Who told you."

"I just heard!" She said, lying to cover up for her friend, "I just heard someone say the name."

Jay continued his glare at her. He knew she was lying and already suspected that the culprit was Doctor Schulman. He had done it on accident. Jay already knew.

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