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And I'd choose you;

in a hundred lifetimes, 

in a hundred worlds,

in any versions of reality, 

I'd find you and 

I'd choose you



The water washed into tiny ripples as the wind blew it softly aside.

Touching the surface before moving on.

The two sat together, watching the thin line of waves along the surface, as it reflected back to their eyes- the trees, the falling sun, and the rising stars above.

Silence invaded their hearts and minds as they took in the memories of the place. Took in the lost tears and unspoken heart ache, neither one was able to express.

"Let's talk."

It was the man who spoke first.

The man who clung to the side of his chair as he looked away from the woman and her dark blue eyes. Away from her slow falling blond hair and long skirt that exposed her ankles and bare feet with the gentle wind.

The woman averted her eyes. Adverted her eyes as she too avoided the dark handsome features of the male. Avoided his black swept hair and shadow eyes now filled with new age lines, that held all their pain inside.

It took a moment more before the woman rose.

Bracing herself before she stood directly in front of him, blocking his view of the lake ahead.

He held out his hand, an unspoken invitation. One he had not dared extended in the months of their silent healing. One he had not had the courage to show until now.

The woman watched his shaking offer. Watched as his features quivered in anticipation and fear.

Waiting for the rejection.

She took his hand.

The contact sent heat through the both of them, making the male sigh as he pulled her close, and into his arms.

She pushed herself to him, wanting to be as tight as she could within his folds. Wanting to never let go of the sensation. To get as much as she could from their lost time together.

"Let's talk."
The woman was the one to say it now. To speak the truth that they had been avoiding.

However the silence remained, each to wrapped up in the other- the lost feel of one another as they held each other close.

They had avoided this.

Avoided the confrontation of their souls. Almost five months in, and they still had not the courage to do this.

To reach out and brush upon bleeding scars.

"I wonder....If we'll ever be the same from our choices."
The man looked at the woman as he took in her words.

"I don't think so."
"Can we...go back to how we were?"

The man shook his head. She and he both knew how foolish that question was.

"No. But we can start again."


They stared at one another as they contemplated the question.

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