Nothing Has Changed....

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Ren's POV:
It's been a month later after the battle of Cordelia and Richter has ended where my adopted sister Yui resurrected back to life as vampire and I finally revealed my demon form in front of the Sakamaki brothers.

Ever since Cordelia's defeat, Yui is still New with the whole "vampire thing" and the Sakamaki hasn't changed one bit which I'm not that surprised especially the triplets ugh they became much more annoying then before. I just came out of my room from changing where I knock at Yui's room, but I immediately heard screaming and opened to room to see Yui getting harassed by those perverted Baka triplets as usual.

"Oh great Madame buzzkill is here."

Ayato snorted in dissatisfaction while he is on top of Yui.

"Please help me...."

Yui begged with innocent pink eyes.

"Awww I was enjoying a good time."

Laito sighed in disappointment.

"That's really rude Ren, you should know that barging into someone's room is impolite."

Kanato puffs his cheeks like a child, but I rolled my eyes at them not giving a fuck of what they said.

"Says the one who has a total fetish for sucking people's blood."

"We're vampires dumbass, we can't help it."

Ayato retorts so rudely at me, but I was unfazed by his irritable growl.

"And I'm quite aware of that, even vampires like your would understand what a half demon like me is capable of."

I dryly remarked with Ayato getting irritated with my presence.

"Shut your mouth before I'll rip that annoying mouth of yours!"

"~fufu~ You know really want to suck your blood now since you let Shu sucked your blood."

Laito smirked slyly.

"That's right, it's not fair to have Shu suck your blood while we can't."

Kanato pouts childishly but I gave them a deadpan look on my face as I telepathically threw them to the ceiling with no hesitation shocking Yui.



Yui flinched by the loud boom after I lift the triplets to the ceiling and turned to Yui with a blank face.

"Come on Yui, we're going to be late."


Meanwhile at the limousine, I was sitting next to Shu and Subaru where nothing has changed with the Sakamakis when Reiji gives us a displeasurable frown.

"Hmph isn't it too early for this? Honestly you people can be such bothersome brats."

He harshly criticized with the triplets ignoring his harsh remark but has huge bumps on their heads.

"Hey it's not my fault, blue eyes is the one who kill the moment for me."

Ayato snorted obnoxiously while still annoyed with me.

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