Search For Yui....

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Ren's POV:
Once I learn about my sister gone missing, I became worried and I ran out the house with none of the brothers care about me going outdoors. Geez why am I not surprised. 😑

As ran out of the house, I quickly gain Yui's scent when I ran to the gardens where she was last seen.
I strolled through the gardens to search for my sister.

She's gotta be out here somewhere...

I thought while roaming around the gardens, I sniff my nose where I start to pick up her scent far away from this mansion.

That couldn't be....

I then reminisced the four men from the cliff and I snapped out of my thoughts where I clench my fists and I growl silently.

Those punks...I'll kill them!

I soon left the mansion and dash through the forest as I follow Yui's scent to find her location.

Nobody's POV:
While Ren is out from the mansion, the Sakamakis are in the living room talking about Yui.

"Tch that bitch, why the hell se would leave us out of the blue?"

Ayato grumbled while sitting on his chair.

"She didn't leave Ayato, she disappeared out of nowhere."

Reiji assured him.

"Oh shut up, Pancake is so going to get punished for leaving oresama here!"

He growled irritably.

"Awwww does Ayato kun care about bitch chan?"

Laito playfully teased him, but he turns his head away.

"Yeah right, Pancake is nothing but a meal to me!"

He rudely retorts.

"Oh really?~"

Laito asked with a smirk as he chuckled mischievously.

"All of you shut up, you're all ruining my music."

Shu coldly stated with Ayato facing his deadbeat older brother with a frown.

"Seriously? You're listening music in a time like this? Pancake is nowhere to be found and blue eyes just ran off to find her!"

Ayato shouts at him, but Shu remains unsympathetic and lazy.

"I couldn't careless about neither of them, besides Ren will be back to find her."

He nonchalantly stated with Laito chuckling at him.

"Oh so you do care about Sexy chan?"

He asked cheerily which causes Shu to blush, but reverts back to his emotionless expression.

"Shut up."

Shu coldly retorts him and turns his face away from his brothers. Reiji then pushed his glasses up with a stern expression.

"This is pointless, I'm going back to my room."

Reiji then teleports back to his room as he is getting bored of the conversation.

"Tch this is a waste of time."

Subaru then walked away and went back to his room.

"Yui left us....unforgivable....."

Kanato mumbled as he grips his teddy bear with a glare. While the Sakamakis thought about the two sisters, Shu starts thinking about Ren.

Where are you now Ren?....

He thought while lying down on the couch where this night is going to get more tense.....

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