Getting to know you

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Day passed and no sign of Wayne. It didn't worry me not seeing him but I was not too thrilled not seeing him either. Through out the day I was tormented by Cheidz going on and on about William to the point where I left her stranded in the lunch room. Last session I got a text from and unknown number saying that William had been stabbed at school. This shocked me, I ran to the changing room where I knew the girls would be.

" Tasy someone just texted me that willy got stabbed!!!!!" I said in a rather loud tone of voice

"WHAT?!" exclaimed all the girls.

Nae's eye filled with water while tasy took a few steps back instantly. The room echoed with concern for him. That's when I wondered if because I wasn't that close to willy why I didn't have that same reaction. The bell sounded for the 2:30pm dismissal and I watched as Tasy, Nae and some other bolted for the gates. Then the thought where was Cheidz? can to my mind but I was not up for and interrogation scene with her if I told her so I let this one slide.

I eventually caught up with them at Bus park. Tasy looked as if she lost her shadow she kept spinning and turning trying to find anyone who goes to willy's school. Rushawn finally appeared and with no hesitation the girls grabbed him

" what happen to William!!!!" exclaimed all the girls in a chorus.

" willy.............oh he got stabbed" he replied.

The girls broke down in tears. That's when I looked up to see Willy and Wayne prancing into the bus park in all smiles and jokes. Chiedz then appeared from nowhere and scared the hell out of me. I held my chest to catch my breath and I watched as the girls surrounded willy and hugged him. Wayne was still in the middle but he was being paid attention too much. I lean against a column admiring him from afar. That's when our eyes made four, quickly I looked away trying nt on make an awkward moment develop. I walked away but he grabbed my hand and asked where his hug was. I stood there and gave him his hug.

" So whats your name" he asked in the sweetest voice.


"Jaden..........I will talk a lil more to you later but them idiots deh a call and holla ma name............u zimme" he said hugging me again this time squeezing me.

His hug felt weird. I don't know if it was because he was much slimmer than I was or the fact that I may have had a little crush on him, nothing to go hear over heels for but I guess it was puppy love. I watched and she disappeared in to the crowd again. " jay jay  U SEE WILLY DONT WANNA KISS ME", said Cheidz in an annoying bay voice. I gave her a stare then walked away in complete ignorance. Should I have done that? did I It was just life. Perky couples would irritate my soul.

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