0.16 ≫ IRL

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Sebastian was in New York and was staying in their old home. Upon arriving he knew it was a great mistake.

The house stirred memories of years ago, years when everything was perfect.

To say that his week away from Scarlett and his sons was miserable was an understatement. Life was complete hell without them. It wasn't like when he was filming, no it was nothing like that. At least after filming he could come home, now he wasn't sure if she even wanted him back. The reason he wasn't with them was because of the fight he had with Scarlett. A stupid fight that could have been avoided if only he had just talked to her, talked to her like they always did. But he didn't and he only made matters worse for both of them.

She had every right to be mad at him, he knew himself that his leaving was suspicious. He knew that she would know something was troubling him and he both hated and loved that she knew. She cared so much, she begged him to tell her what was bothering him but he couldn't. How could he? He loved his children, they are his world, that he could never think of denying. But when his world needed him he couldn't do it. How could he?

Sebastian didn't want to be anything like his father, he didn't want to be there one moment then gone for the rest of his life. He didn't want his children to look at him and hate him. But the thought dawned him.

"I'm exactly like him,"

Sebastian slammed his fist against the wall, a sharp pain ran through his already injured fist.

Sebastian blamed his father more than anyone for this, but maybe he had no right to. He had been trying so hard not to be like his father that in the end he might have turned out just like him. Running away from it all wasn't going to help him, he talked to his children as much as he could, but that was the easy part. When they needed him for things he didn't know how to handle he panicked. He froze. Sebastian didn't know the first thing about being a father, he didn't have a clue on what to do.

But she was there, she would always try to guide him. Try to help him, but he always rejected that help. He thought that maybe, just maybe, she would figure him out. Maybe she figured out that he couldn't do it.

He couldn't let her down.


Sebastian walked inside his trainer Don's gym, Don was also his friend.

He had come to visit Sebastian when he first arrived along with a few of his other friends from the gym.

"Hey Seb you ready to start training again?" Asked Don while throwing his arm over his shoulders. Sebastian had been trying to hide his pain as much as he could but even he knew his mask was slipping.

"Yeah. Where do we start?" He asked.

"Well Shim wanted to start with a few punches," Sebastian instinctively tensed. His eyes flickered towards his gloved hands.

"We can't start anywhere else?" He asked.

"Shim has his mind set on this." Replied Don.


Sebastian's heart began pounding once he had to start practicing his punches with Don. Sure he had gloves on but that didn't mean he wouldn't be able to feel the pain every time he punched.

Don stood in front of Sebastian with his boxing pads at hand.

When Sebastian first punched His expression went unnoticed by his friends and even Don. However after that, Don noticed very quickly and stoped him.

ALONE TOGETHER ⇒ Sebastian Stan 3Where stories live. Discover now