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@Scarlett_Johansson: this is what happens when you leave your child with your brother and his best friend 😂😂 *cough @BenAffleck *cough

@usera: didn't Ben Affleck also buy Mason a Batman bib?

@Adrian_Johansson: he sure did @usera

@RDJ: for some unknown reason this disturbs me

@userb: your grandson is turning over to the dark side

@Elizabeth_Olsen: don't you dare ever cut those little curls

@Scarlett_Johansson: I wouldn't dream of it @Elizabeth_Olsen. Plus it reminds me too much of someone...

@userc: his hair curls ever so slightly just like Sebastian's

@TomHolland2013: aww my little brother would look so much better in my merchandise 😭😭😭



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@Scarlett_Johansson: honestly I can't begin to express my appreciation for all of you 💕💕. You all make this whole roller coaster of adventure worth it, thank you so much for your continuous support of me and thank you all for be so understanding. You don't understand how happy it makes me feel when you all started turning to me for advice, I'm so glad that I have been able to help and inspire a lot of you out there. Word of advice for those going through a lot, you can't have a rainbow without a little rain. 💕💕💕

@usera: we love you too bby <3

@TomHolland2013: love you momma <3

@Scarlett_Johansson: @usera @TomHolland2013

@userb: something just hit me like a freaking brick

@useeb: maybe the reason Seb knows so much about how to deal with anxiety is because Scarlett has it

@userc: that breaks my heart 💔💔

@userd: that just makes his advice for helping someone with anxiety so much more meaningful

@usere: because it's a what he does to help her @userd

@userf: that man is too pure for this world


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