Chapter 6

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*Ems POV*

"Well, I wanted to ask you for help on the math homework. Can you go to the library after school today?" He said.

I just stood there not knowing what to do. Looking at his perfect face. Then someone bumped me and caused my books to fall, helping me realize that maybe I have been looking at him too long.

"Um, yeah sure." I said.

"Thanks so much, and let me help you with that" he said while bending down to help me gather my books.

After I got all my things ready in my backpack I walked to the library feeling unsure about this. why would he ask me? I'm no really that good at math, what if I embarrass myself?

I walked in and saw Jack sitting a a table looking frustrated at his phone. I walked over to him and said hi.

"Hey" he answered back.

I sat down next to him not sure what I should do or ask him. I noticed he had his book out and opened so I looks at the page and opened my book.

"Okay, so what do you want to start with?" I asked.

"Number 13?" He said

As I tried to explain how to solve the problem we started laughing and joking around. it was amazing and as we started talking it wasn't awkward at all.

We were talking about random things or funny stuff that happened at school. Then my phone rang signaling I got a text from my mom

<Come outside I'm here> it said

"Jack it was nice helping you even though we didn't get through much but I had a good time. My mom is waiting for me outside so I have to go" I told him as I was gathering my things and standing up.

"Wait before you go let me give you my number just incase I need more help" he said and winked.

We exchanged phone numbers and then I walked out and got into the car with my mom. I was just so happy

Thanks so much for reading so far. recommend this story to your friends and comment and vote if you like it. I'll update after I get 10 more reads!! Love you guys and thanks so much

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