Where is he now?; Rants- 2

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The pearls kept dangling

Until he came and saved those drops

From falling on the hard ground

Like she fell

For the discovery she found.

She tried to cherish her heart

From eroding

For her scars

That don't define her innerself

She tried reminding herself

Every happy memory

From every mental shelf.

But it was unnecessary

When he coiled his hands

Around her

Ebbing away the pains

Very far.

When he kissed her temple

Like those days

When he used to

Buy her flamboyant candies

Trying to slap off her agonies.

But where is he now?

The man that hold her tiny hands?

The man that listened to her

from her mother's womb?

Where is he?

Wait, is he that man,

Who hardly

Understands her?

Feels her?

She tried to give her shoes

To him......

Uncountable times.

But still......

He accepts her fake smiles

to be real

He accepts her low nods

To be random ones

Instead of

Times when she wants to

Hide her pains

Hide her flaws

Break her chains

That completes her

Like those cells that people

Learn by heart

Instead of learning the heart.


A final request

To all "that men"

Just kneel down your ego

Like you used to

When we made illogical tantrums

And think logically

And ask yourselves

"Where is he now?"

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