~Twelve (pt. 1)~

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When Namjoon woke up, JIn was missing from the bed. Nothing unusual, as Jin almost always woke up before him to make breakfast on weekends. But it wasn't a weekend.

Upon noticing this, Namjoon began to wonder where the boy was, though he still wasn't worried. He got up and wandered around the student house, but Jin wasn't there anywhere.

"Mmm, maybe he just ran out for some fresh air or to get something from the store." He mumbled to himself as he picked up his phone, planning to call him to make sure everything was alright.

"Anneyong!!! it's Jin, sorry I couldn't answer right now, but leave your name and number and I'll call back soon!"

His voicemail answered.

"Anneyong Jin, it's Namjoon, just wondering where you ran off too, I'll see you at school I guess, I love you baby." He left a message after the beep before hanging up and going to get ready to go.


Namjoon walked into class, surprised not to see Jin sitting in his normal spot. In fact, he wasn't there at all.

He sat in his seat and pulled out his phone quickly and texted him.

어디야? (where are you?)

There was no reply.

Namjoon kept checking his phone through the class but there was never any answer. Concern rose up inside him. Jin always answered his messages, and he would never skip school without telling him.

After class, Namjoon found Hoseok.

"Hobi, have you seen Jin???" He urged, getting more worried by the second.

Hoseok looked confused as he shook his head no. "No? Didn't he show up for first hour?"

Namjoon sighed, "No." Still trying to find a reasonable explanation for Jin's absence, and as much as the thought terrified him, there was none. Something must have happened.

"Can you help me look for him? I'm really worried." Namjoon hated asking for favors, but more than that he hated the thought of something happening to Jin.

Hoseok nodded. "Yeah, absolutely, let's go."

The two boys left the school and went to all of Jin's favorite places, talking to people that worked there. They hadn't seen him. They went to the river, Jin wasn't there.

It was as if he had just disappeared. They tried to call his phone again, but this time, the phone was answered. There was no voice though.

Jin didn't answer the phone like he usually did. No happy 'Anneyonghaseyo!' Nothing.

"Jin are you there?" Namjoon asked into the phone, but there was no reply. "Jin? Baby where are you???"

And the line went dead.

They called again, with the same result. Jin- or someone- answered the phone, and said nothing.

They sat down by the river and just listened to the silence that screamed from the phone.

They were on the call for about ten minutes before they heard an unfamiliar voice on the other side of the line.

"Why are you sitting down?"

The line shut off and Namjoon jumped up. He got it now, though he didn't want to accept it.

Jin had been right from the start. Someone had been watching him, but it wasn't just for the purpous of watching. Someone really wanted to hurt him.

Jin always had his phone on him, and if they had his phone... They had Jin.



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