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"You're kidding, right?" Yoongi grunted, eyes settling on the building in front of him.

A library.

"Nope," Y/N shook her head happily, popping the 'p'. "This is where knowledge is born, my friend."

Grabbing Yoongi by the sleeve, Y/N dragged him into the building, and Yoonfi could've easily blamed the chill that went down his spine on the sudden warmth and not the sudden contact from Y/N if she asked.

Of course, she didn't, and Yoongi was sort of hoping she would just to see if she could read into the fact that he was lying or not.

"Remind me why we're here again?" Yoongi asked casually, looking around at the neatly stacked books on the shelves before looking back down at Y/N.

"Calm down, we're not here for a lecture on how knowledge is power," she teased. "I just need to pick up some books on biology and human anatomy for the project.

"Why?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow quizzically as she headed over to one of the shelves.

"Well, we need to know what makes love since I think it's artificial apparently," she joked, and Yoongi smirked as he followed her.

Once she'd spotted her books, Yoongi had to admit, it was quite amusing watching her little arms reach upwards to get them, and when he decided he'd been a sadist for too long, he reached up and picked them up for her.

Y/N stuck her tongue out at the boy next to her as she took the books from him, the smirk on his face letting her kbow he didn't want a 'thank you'.

"Come on, let's go check these out," she titled her head towards the check out desk and Yoonfi followed her like a lost puppy.


"So, where are we heading now?" Y/N asked, and Yoongi reached over to take the books from her since she was struggling.

"Back to mine?" He said, almost as if he was asking for her approval. "We can go over these books and have some lunch."

"Sounds good," Y/N nodded, her (hair colour) locks bouncing over her shoulders as she did so.

Yoongi didn't know if this was weird but he suddenly felt the urge to stroke her hair.

He blamed it on the fact that she was like a small puppy in the process of being trained and her hair resembles fur that needed to be patted.

"This is sort of like a date, don't you think?" Y/N playfully nudged Yoongi's arm with her elbow as she wiggled her eyebrows at him.

Yoongi scoffed, looking down at the girl with a raised eyebrow.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He decided to tease back, and he was more than a bit taken aback when she shrugged.

'Come on Yoongi,' he thought to himself. 'She's just teasing you.'

When they got back to Yoongi's place, his aunt wasn't in - Yoongi said she was probably out shopping - so the two of them went straight up the stairs to Yoongi's room.

Yoongi immediately went over to his desk, sitting down comfortably and opening up his laptop.

Rather than sitting on the bed like last time, Y/N decided to sit on Yoongi's carpeted floor, laying down on her stomach with the books scattered in front of her.

Nothing personal to Yoongi's bed, it was just a little high up and the mattress kept slipping whenever she sat on the edge. She was too small to shift herself higher up to she just gave up.

"What are you doing down there?" Yoongi asked in something that sounded like disgust, but Y/N knew he was just surprised.

"It's easier for me to read on the floor," she answered, looking up at Yoongi.

"You do this at your house?" He asked with a cocky smile.

"No, actually. I read hanging off the railings at my place," Y/N replied, and Yoongi chuckled inaudibly.

He was just about to open up a word document when Y/N gasping lightly caused him to look at her.

"What is it?" He asked, his voice monotonous as always, yet carrying a hint of worry.

"Yoongi, come look at this," she beckoned him down to the floor, shuffling over a little so he could lie down next to her.

"What am I looking at?" His squinted eyes scanned the page and Y/N pointed her finger to a paragraph in the bottom right corner of the left page.

"This," she stated, clearing her throat. "Dopamine creates euphoria while adrenaline and norepinephrine cause the heart to beat faster when experiencing love. Has this ever happened to you?"

"When looking at my dog, yeah," he scoffed, and Y/N laughed.

Right then, Yoongi's heart started to beat faster and shivers trailed down his spine. He didn't want to think of Y/N this way, but he did, and the thought honestly terrified him.

"Forget the book for a second," he suddenly said, taking the book from Y/N's hands and tossing it to the side. "We still have things to debate from yesterday."


word count: 849

just so you know, i'm giving yoongi's aunt a name in the next chapter.

{completed} optimistically pessimistic 》min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now