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"We're home!" Y/N called out into the cosy space of her house, not expecting an answer right away.

"Welcome home!" She heard a voice call from upstairs, and Y/N smiled knowing it was her mother. "Is Yoongi with you?"

Y/N frowned slightly, turning around and looking up at Yoongi in confusion.

"Yeah, why?" She yelled up the stairs and all of a sudden, her mother appeared at the top of the staircase, clad in an orange dress that went down to her knee and matching orange sandals. She was putting on her last earring when Y/N eyed her appearance up and down. "Special occasion?"

"Hello, Yoongi," Y/N's mother completely ignored her daughter's question, and Y/N frowned again.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. L/N," Yoongi responded with a light smile, and Y/N couldn't frown much longer after hearing that.

She remembered how shy and reserved Yoongi had been when he first met Y/N's parents, and how he wouldn't even be able to say so much as a simple 'hello' without blushing bright red and needing Y/N to help him out.

But still, why was her mother ignoring her question?

"What are you all dressed up for? Are you going somewhere?" Y/N figured she'd try her luck again, but still to no avail.

Just as she was about to scream, the doorbell rang and Y/N's mother hurried down the stairs and past the two bewildered teens standing at the bottom of them, opening the door.

"Rose! Come in, come in!" She beamed, and this time, Yoongi turned around.

And yes, like no illusion, stood his aunt, dressed similarly to Y/N's mother in a fashion sense - both wearing stylish dresses and matching coloured shoes, the only difference being that Rose's dress was blue.

"Aunt Rose?" Yoongi spluttered, looking just as dazed and confused as the girl next to him. "What are you doing here?"

"Here, put this on," was all Rose said as she tossed a bag at Yoongi, the latter barely managing to catch it in his confusion.

Peering through the plastic material, Yoongi could see there was a tux inside, but his poor brain couldn't fathom why the damn thing was in there.

"You too, Y/N, go and put on that (favourite colour) dress in the back of your wardrobe," Y/N's mother shooed the two upstairs, much to their uncertainty.

"Do you know what the hell is going on?" Yoongi asked once Y/N closed the door to her bedroom and Y/N stared at him with a blank expression on her face.

"I have no clue," she answered airily, traipsing over to her wardrobe and swinging the double doors open, finding the dress her mother had told her to put on almost immediately. After all, it was the only thing that relatively 'stood out' in her wardrobe.

Closing the doors, Y/N nearly screamed when she saw Yoongi stripping down right in front of her and she slapped a hand over her eyes.

"At least wait for me to leave before you begin undressing, Jesus!" She exclaimed, scurrying out of her bedroom and to the bathroom.

She could hear Yoongi chuckling behind her and she shook her head.

Within ten minutes, both teens were dressed up nicely, Yoongi's dress shirt definitely outlining the muscles that Y/N had nearly accidentally seen on her way out while Y/N's dress hugged her curves nicely and stopped just above her knees, which was acceptable enough for her father's liking.

After the adults keened and cooed over how adorable the two looked once they dragged their feet downstairs like two zombies, Y/N finally spoke up.

"Now that we're dressed, can you please tell us what's going on?" She asked assertively as Yoongi slipped his tux jacket on over his shirt and fixed his tie.

"We're going out tonight to celebrate you two going and getting an A+ on your General Knowledge project," her father answered simply, and Y/N's face twisted into a look of pure and utter confusion.

"How did you know we got an A+?" Yoongi asked in place of his girlfriend, who looked like she was about to burst from bafflement.

"Jimin and I like to keep in contact," Rose answered slyly, holding her phone up in her hand and Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"Don't be hitting on my friends now, you know you're too old for them," was all Yoongi said in reply before Y/N's mother intervened.

"Let's go now, otherwise they might give our table away to someone else," she chirped, and Y/N kicked Yoongi's converse over to him lightly before slipping on her white flats.

Yoongi looked down at them and smiled.

"I remember you wore those on our first date," he leaned down to whisper in her ear as he propped his foot up against the shoe rack to tie his laces.

Y/N scoffed. "That was a date now, was it?"

"Every moment with you I count as a date," Yoongi replied, sounding awfully cheesy on purpose as he placed a wet kiss to Y/N's cheek.

"Ew, get out of here," she laughed, the two of them standing up straight as Y/N wiped her cheek of Yoongi's saliva. "You're disgusting."

"That wasn't very nice," Yoongi fawned offense, leaning over Y/N to grab her cardigan as he motioned for her to turn around, which she did.

Helping her with her cardigan, Yoongi leaned down to press one last kiss to her temple before her mother was ushering the young couple out of the house and into the car.

Clasping Y/N's hand tightly in his, Yoongi slipped his fingers between Y/N's, bringing their fists up to his lips to press a soft kiss to each of her knuckles.

"What's up with you today?" Y/N asked quietly, leaning her head against her boyfriend's shoulder. "You're being awfully bold today."

"Is it a crime to show my girlfriend I'm passionate about her?" Yoongi asked in reply, and Y/N tapped her chin in thought with her other hand.

"I guess not," she answered, and as soon as she said that, Yoongi captured her lips in his, forgetting about his aunt sitting next to him or the suggestive glares he was receiving in the mirror from Y/N's father.

All that seemed to exist in that moment was Y/N and Y/N alone in Yoongi's eyes.

"Good, because I am," he leaned back in again, this time pecking around her mouth until he reached her lips.

"Very much so."


word count: 1053

phew, just the epilogue of this left then 'optimistically pessimistic' is done aswell!

{completed} optimistically pessimistic 》min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now