Hell. From a dream.

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*Zoes POV*

"Ahh" I screamed as I jolted up. Joey came running into my room. He sat next to me on my mattress. I was crying. "Woah. Calm. Bad dream huh?" I nodded as he caressed my arm. We sat for a couple of minutes in silent. "I. I'm scared." I said to joey. He looked at me confused. "I. I." I picked up my phone and showed the message Connor sent me. "He sent me a kiss. He never does that. What does it mean." I was shaking. "It will be in a friendly way. And how do you know Connor anyway." "I talked to him about the home. I was too scared to tell him about the abuse. He would tell me about his hockey and about you guys." I fell silent. Embarrassed by what I had said. Until I looked at Joey to see him looking through my conversations. I snatch my phone back and blush a hard red. Of embarrassment. "Sorry" I remained silent. He tried to leave. "Joey, can you stay with me. I can't sleep alone the now." He nodded and wrapped a blanket round me and him. He got his phone out and put on some Matthias videos on. I fell asleep in Joeys arms.

*The morning*

I woke up to arms around me. Forgetting where I was I shouted. "Matron. There's someone in my room. A man. A middle age man. Joey?" He looked up at me confused. Matt ran through the door after hearing me scream. "Zoe you okay. What's wrong. Joey? Come out here a minute." He closed the door and I went to listen to their conversation. "Right. What were you doing in my daughters room." "She was screaming last night. She wanted me to stay with her. I think she was lost and panicked." I walked out of my room to go get breakfast. I walked past Matt didn't look at him. Him shouting at joey annoyed me as I asked him to help me. As I walked downstairs I noticed Amanda sitting on the couch with Luna next to her in her rocker. "I wouldn't go up there if I were you" I said. She looked at me. "Matts angry at Joey because I wanted joey to sit with me after a bad dream. When he was going. I asked him to sleep with me. So he cuddled me and I slept fine." She nodded as I went to get my breakfast. "Do you want me to do anything?" Amanda asked me. I shook my head. I didn't want her to get involved. "Right. After you eat well go and get your things from Ikea. And we can paint your room if you want." I shook my head. "We also need to head to the mall to get some things for you. Like a new phone and computer. Plus if you want a Polaroid cause I have an idea for your room." I squeeled in excitement and quickly eat my breakfast. That's when I heard more shouting. I stood up and ran up the stairs. "Matt stop." I broke down. "Joey done nothing wrong. I asked him to cuddle me. I was scared. My trust for you has dropped more now. What happened to the nice lovely matthias that we all see in the videos. He seems so nice and caring. I ask for a hug. And you shout at him." I run past him and hid in my room.

*Matts POV*

What have I done. Joey was just staring at me. "Sorry. I guess" I said scratching my neck. I walked downstairs to see Amanda sitting there. "Matt. Sit. Why." "I-I don't know. I thought joey was. Taking advantage of her. I didn't believe him." She nodded and stood up. "Take these to her and joey." She handed me a plate of macaroons I walked upstairs and knocked on Zoe's door. "Hey. I'm sorry. There's some macaroons here. Ill be in my room if you need me. I guess you won't." I walked away and entered my room. I sat down and played on my phone. I heard my door open. I didn't move thinking it was Amanda. I suddenly felt arms around me. "Sorry" it was Zoe. I turned around and kissed her cheek. I picked her up and brought her downstairs. It was good we weren't angry at each other still. "IKEA TIME!!" I shout. We all pile into the car. Me driving. Amanda and Zoe are the only ones who actually know what we're getting. I just know about getting Zoe her new computer.

*After IKEA and the Mall. Back home*

We arrived home and emptied the car. Me and Joey had to build everything. It would take an age.
Amanda and Zoe were setting up her iPhone and MacBook downstairs during all of this.

*Zoes POV*

It took quite a while to get my stuff set up and my bedroom even longer. Once we got my iPhone set up I sat and texted Connor. He was talking to me about his girlfriend Hannah. She'd took them to Scotland and he had to go back soon for a trial with Matt. I ran upstairs. "You didn't tell me you were going to Scotland." Ho looked at me strangely. I showed him the text. "Why is it such a big deal." "Well maybe because your leaving soon. It would've been nice to know." I was calm. I walked out of the room and headed back down stairs. Me and Ama-mom sat and watched Netflix for the rest of the night. While the guys were still building.
I fell asleep there. A peaceful night. The morning would be good though. My new room.

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