The catch up.

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*1 week later. This chapter will include a lot of time skips. It will catch up to the newest chapter in my other story. Zoe's POV*

Matt left this morning that just left me and Amanda and of course little Luna. My room was now fully finished now.
"Did you know why your dad is off to Scotland. I should technically be there too but I couldn't." I shook my head. "Right ill explain it all. We went to Scotland about 2 weeks before we adopted you. It was a trip for Connors girlfriend. Well her abusive ex and uncle followed us around. In a place called dundee Connor was attacked while Hannah was in hospital after a major panic attack which put her in a coma. We found it was her uncle and he was following us in the car. He was arrested and suffered a heart attack where he died. When we continued on. We arrived at a hotel in an island. This was nearly a week later. Hannah had a lot of doubts in herself and while Connor was talking to her he found cuts. He ran off angry. That's when Matt came in to help and gunner went and kissed her. This is how gunner is currently fired. So Hannah ran and made it to the same place Connor was in but didn't approach him. Him and Hannah were both kidnapped by her ex and were only found at a services when luckily her brother was walking past the car. That's when he got arrested and took into custody. They are there for the trial." I nodded and Amanda stood up. "So lunch." I nodded getting the bacon out of the fridge. Mhmm. Bacon. I love bacon.

*6 days later*

"They won!" I heard being exclaimed from Amanda. "Huh" "the trial. Hannah won. John has got life in prison.

*I skip to the present day in the other book as if you want that story. Read that book.*

I arrived home. I hadn't been here in ages. Connor and Hannah had been staying in my room but it was spotless. 'Thanks for keeping my room good.' I texted Connor. "Hey Zoe. We're heading to the office. See you later. Okay?" I heard shouted from below me. I wanted to go but I couldn't. "Okay" I slumped. I wanted to meet everyone. "Wait! Can I come" they looked at me. "Are you sure. It's going to be along day." I laughed. "I'm nearly 17 I can find things to do." They nodded and I childishly jumped in the car. I'm getting to go to hi5 studios. I clapped like a seal. "Hey seal. No clapping" Joey said I laughed. "Sorry couldn't here that giraffe." He laughed. "Zoe" Matt said. "Shut up elephant" I hear joey said. I lost it I was laughing my head off. These guys made me so happy. We pulled up to the studios. "Hey Zoe. We're having a meeting. Go up to my office or find something else to do." I nodded and decided to head to the edge space. They had no hockey sticks. I would at least think they would have a ice hockey stick. I used to play (field) hockey as a child. I couldn't play at the orphanage but I still remembered the rules. I could watch highlights on YouTube. "What are you looking for." I hear a deep voice say behind me. It was bobby. "Oh hey bobby. I was looking for a hockey stick. Preferably field." He looked at me. "We have one ice hockey stick. If that's good enough." I nodded and he handed it to me. I set up a makeshift goal and started hitting a puck and ball about.
"Wow your good." I heard behind me. I looked around to see. "Connor!!" I ran at him and hugged him. "Why did we wait this long to meet." I mumbled. He picked me up and put me over his shoulder. "Connor" I shouted. "Connors like an uncle to her." I heard Matt say. I nodded to him. He smiled. Connor took me into his office a through me on his couch before sitting next to me. He looked happy. "S what do you want to do. They're still in a meeting." He asked me. "Em. Halo. Cod." He smiled and put halo 5 in to the XBOX. We must of played for hours as when I came out of his office it was dark outside. "Thank you for today Connor" I said to him while walking upstairs. "Or uncle Connor As Matt said." He joked. "I like that" I smiled and headed to matts office. "Hey Dad" he waved at me. I sat behind him as he finished his work. "Right. Home time. You can come tomorrow if you want. You can help the guys set up." "I can. Yes!!" I was so looking forward to coming tomorrow. I loved today.

*Home. Amanda's POV*

I heard them come through the door. I'd just finished making dinner. "Sit at the table you goofballs." I laughed after saying that. They sat down and I brought out the food.
We are and chatted. Mainly about Zoe today. "Well it seems like Zoe has anew uncle today. Connor is like family to her." She laughed. It was nice knowing she knew someone at work.
"I'm going up to bed. Night" Zoe stood up and left. Leaving just me and Matt. Luna was already sleeping in her room.
"Night Zoe" i shouted as she went into her room. It was good to see her relaxed again and not uptight.

Glorious (Adopted by Mattanda)Where stories live. Discover now