Chapter Three

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Cold sweat broke from Amber’s brow as she stared up at the two Fearow. They hadn’t made their attack yet, and she suspected it was because they wanted her to feel fear before taking her down. This was revenge for their flock. Throughout the week, Amber hadn’t heard anything from these two. It would’ve been good for some heads up…

Amber furiously shook herself and turned to review her Pokémon.

“Okay, so looks like bad news,” she said. “But we’ve been through worse right?”

Her team let out heated cry and grinned in their Pokémon way, waiting for her orders. Amber nodded with determination and held the Pichu in her arms tightly, sending an assuring grin to counter his worried expression.

“Don’t worry, little Pichu. We’re professional Protectors, so you’ll definitely be safe,” she said. The Pichu’s expression didn’t change and he let out a whine as if to say that he was more worried for Amber and her team rather than his own wellbeing. In response to this, Amber laughed lightly and then turned her attention to the Fearow who were still cockily circling above.

“Okay, we’re going to focus all on offensive because we don’t have much left to lose,” she began, knowing that she had her team’s full attention. “I’ll protect Pichu, so don’t worry about that for now. Okay! Nix, use Stone Edge, and Rillri, use Blizzard!”

Seeing that they were starting to make retaliation, the two Fearow raised their beaks and let out a ferocious cry. They raised their wings both at once and sent out a strong “Gust”. Amber darted away from the brunt of the attack and ordered her team to dodge as well.

“Okay now, Veevee, use Helping Hand!” she shouted over the wind. “Mister, use Psychic to create an air current for Gligie to ride on. Gligie, use Toxic when you get into range and then use X-Scissor!”

All her Pokémon carried out her orders exactly. Nix and Rillri pushed on with the type advantage and Veevee supported them with her “Helping Hand”. Mister let out a burst of psychic energy, creating a suitable current for Gligie to ride on. However, once Gligie got into close proximity, the Fearow he’d targeted suddenly swung around and used “Drill Peck” against him, hitting him square in the centre or his stomach.

“Gligie!” cried Amber, rushing to him as he fell from the sky. When she reached him, she found that he’d fainted and she swung back around in outrage. “Mister! Use Pain Split!”

Mister let out another cry and his body glowed bright silver. He then charged at one of the Fearow, transferring some of the silver to it. The Fearow let out a cry in pain and its wings suddenly failed with the pain, sending it plummeting down.

“Great! Nix, use Stone Edge!” shouted Amber and Nix rushed forward, sending a stream of stones at the falling Fearow. The Fearow straightened itself, but not in time to dodge the “Stone Edge”. The stones slashed at the Fearow and it let a final cry before fainting.

“Yes!” cheered Amber, and Pichu let out a relieved cry. “Alright! One down, one to go!”

But she knew things would only get more difficult from here on. The second and final Fearow let out an outraged screech and she winced, doubling over. It suddenly charged down towards the clearing and performed a heavy “Wing Attack” that took out both Veevee and Rillri at once. Pichu screamed in panic, but Amber tried desperately to keep a clear head. None of her Pokémon could take more than one hit, especially not from such a high-level Fearow.

She only had Nix and Mister left. Both were tired and clearly short on breath. Their stats were severely lowered from the Spearow’s earlier attacks. She had to admit, it was hard to remain positive in such a dire situation. And then Pichu let out another cry, this time in anger and determination before leaping from Amber’s arms.

“Pichu!” cried Amber. “Wait!”

Pichu shot straight up at the Fearow and let out a fierce “Thunderbolt”. The attack hit hard and true, sending the Fearow into a panicked frenzy. He then ran up Nix’s head and hurdled himself onto the Fearow’s back before discharging a “Thundershock”.

However, despite the attack, Pichu’s level of power was not enough to fully take down the much larger Beak Pokémon. Amber looked around desperately, trying to find any opening that she could make without hitting Pichu.

“Focus on its weak point, Pichu!” a voice suddenly sounded from behind Amber. “And then focus all your might on that single point!”

Pichu complied with the order and then jumped away, leaving the Fearow paralyzed. He landed on Amber’s head and let out a definitive cry of victory.

“Alright, good work, Pichu,” the voice said enthusiastically. “Now, Ataro, use Swift!”

An Aipom streaked from behind Amber and shot a succession of stars at the weakened Fearow. It let out its last battle cry before finally fainting, leaving the clearing completely void of any sound. Amber stood frozen, staring at the Fearow. Was it over? Was it really over?

“Good work, Ataro,” the voice sounded again, jolting Amber away from her amazement.

She turned around the see the sources of the voice, and found two boys standing at the edge of the clearing. The Aipom had returned to a trainer who had a frenzy of spiky black hair with bright golden eyes. He wore an expression of confidence and a red jumper with white pockets accompanied with yellow shorts and extravagant sneakers. Beside him was another boy with long, red hair and steely silver eyes. His face seemed to habitually express exasperation or detachment, which at the moment was the former. He wore a black shirt with red outlines with white pants and black sneakers. Beside him stood a Sneasel that had it’s back turned to Amber, but it’s head turned towards her.

“Thank you,” said Amber, when she finally found her voice. “I was in a lot of trouble there.”

“Nah, you would’ve won in the end,” said the spiky-haired boy, grinning and indicating to Nix and Mister who were just about ready to faint.

“We would’ve taken a severe hit, though,” replied Amber, returning her entire team back into their pokéballs, pressing a grateful kiss over Mister’s. She then pointed to Pichu who was still perched on her head. “Is this your Pichu?”

“Yep,” he said and held out his arm. “Come one, Pichu, you’ve caused enough trouble for us today.”

The Pichu let out a cry of refusal and gripped Amber’s head tightly. Amber reached up and pulled the Pichu from her.

“Your trainer is here, aren’t you happy?” she asked softly.

Pichu shook his head and held his short yellow arms towards her.

“Huh, would you look at that,” the spiky-haired boy said with interest. “He’s taken a liking to you. He doesn’t usually do that. Do you have any room on your team to keep him?”

“I do,” said Amber slowly. “But I don’t think it’s a good idea to have him come with me. My profession is very dangerous.”

“Aw, come on,” he said. “Didn’t he prove himself to you just then with the Fearow? He’ll be even better with a little training.”

“Well…” frowned Amber. Pichu stared up at her with pleading eyes and she finally let out a sigh of defeat. “Fine, you’ll be called “Peach” from now one then, okay?”

The Pichu let out an excited cheer and eagerly sprung from her grasp to perch on her head. Amber let out a sigh and then a smile, reaching up to tickle his chin.

“Alright, now that that’s done, we have somewhere to be,” the boy said. “Wait, you wouldn’t happen to know this girl right?”

“Gold,” the boy beside him said with a sigh of exasperation. “She’s who we’re looking for."

“What,” the spiky-haired boy asked and then did a double-take, staring at the picture he’d pulled out and then back up at Amber. “Seriously? Hey! It’s you!”


And they've met! How'd you guys like the chapter? Please let me know and comment below! (anyone notice how that rhymes?)

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