Chapter One

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'Above is Crowley!"

"Stanley Pierce." Crowley said looking out at the burning pits of hell.
"Alistair Crowley." Stanley replied placing a hand on his shoulder joining him looking out the window.
"I believe you came to discuss Amara?" He asked wiping his top lip with his thumb.
"She needs to be stopped." Stanley said turning to face Crowley. "Your the only one strong enough to stop her."
Crowley sat in his chair and waved to his guard to go. The no faced man left the room shutting the large double doors. He sat there staring at the door.
"What about her needs to be stopped?" He asked spinning to face Stanley.
"She's on the verge of releasing the darkness from hell."
"That's a bad thing?"
"Crowley I need your help. We need to stop Amara before things get out of hand."
Crowley stood inches away from Stanley. "Do you remember the last time I helped you? I Do seem to recall you attempting to trap me in a pentagram."
They stood in silence.
"At the time I was scared. I mean really I was face to face with the king of hell."
"But now your stand In in my office IN hell. And ask in me to get rid of Amara." He stated pulling a book from his desk and flipping through the pages.
"Look Alistair-"
"Crowley." He interrupted.
"Crowley. I know she's your own flesh and blood but you also know the chaos this will bring if the darkness is released." Stanley said sitting on the corner of the desk.
"I will not berid my own daughter." He said slamming the book closed.
"All of Hell will be brought to their knees. Even you Crowley. Amara will obsorb the power and be the new ruler."
That silenced Crowley. His eyes flickered across the desk clearly thinking about the situation.
"Only under one condition." He gave in.
"Of course." Stanley replied standing.
"You kill Dean Winchester." He growled his eyes flicking to black.

'Hey guys and gals thanks for ready chapter one! Chapter two is coming soon!'

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