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Rey was startled by Kylo's words but couldn't deny she was intrigued by what he planned for them. Then a thought hit her.

"What about Satine?"

"Don't worry about that, it's all taken care of. I ran into Ruby on my way here and she agreed to babysit while working on an assignment she has to finish."

"I don't mind at all Rey, Ruby assured her. You go have a fun time with Kylo."

"Thank you!" Rey called back to her as Kylo lead her somewhere.

At last, after a lot of walking and cursing Kylo for making her where a blindfold, they arrived outside.

"I'm gonna remove the blindfold now alright? You have to promise you won't open your eyes until I tell you to okay?"

Eager to get the blindfold off already she nodded.

Kylo slowly removed the blindfold, hands lingering for a bit on her shoulders before stepping away from her.

"You can open your eyes now, he told her after a minute."

Rey opened her eyes slowly and gasped at what she saw. Kylo had set up a picnic blanket loaded with a basket of food, and glasses with what Rey assumed was wine, and candles.

"Do you like it? Phasma suggested it and I thought it sounded like a good idea."

"This is fabulous! I love it! I'll have to thank your friend Phasma for suggesting it."

"She'd like that. She's mentioned that she would like to talk to you and get to know you. But enough of talking, let's eat."

He and Rey each took a seat on the thankfully dry grass, as Kylo unloaded the picnic basket. There was a variety of sandwiches, salads, fried chicken, and a delicious looking apple pie for desert.

"Mmmm this all looks so good. Did you make this stuff yourself or did you have help?"

"I made the sandwiches and salads myself, I bought the fried chicken at the local grocery store, and I had help making the pie."

Rey helped herself to a couple of sandwiches and some pasta salad.

Kylo finally broke the silence. "I've had a real great time reconnecting with you the past couple of days" he told her with a grin on his face. I feel like we're in a better place than we've been in sometime."

"Me too" she said as she finished her sandwiches and started eyeing the apple pie.

Smiling, he cut her a piece and then cut one for himself. After he took a bit he exclaimed "I'm going to have to remember to thank Michelle for helping me with this pie, it's delicious!"

At hearing these words Rey froze. "Who's Michelle?"

"Just a girl in my music class, she's studying to be a concert pianist. We're actually working on a class project together. She's nice, I think you'd like her."

"Why am I just hearing about her now? And why do you seem so close with her? Is there something going on between the two of you?"

"How can you even think that? Michelle and I are just good friends who enjoy music, that's all. I'm only mentioning her because she helped me bake this pie for us."

"And what does she get in return? The chance to help raise OUR daughter? Has this whole hanging out and reconnecting thing been a ruse? Is she giving you tips to make me look like a bad mother so you can gain custody of Satine?!"

"Rey, your making too much of this. I wouldn't do that to you. I care about you a lot and wouldn't dare hurt you in that way. I'm hurt you think that low of me, I thought we were making progress?"

"My friends were telling me to be cautious but I didn't listen to them. Now I finding out you've been baking with some other girl? What's next? Are you going to get her pregnant too and leave her all alone?"

"Rey! Would you shut up and listen to me for a minute? There is NOTHING going on between Michelle and me. We are just working on a project that's due at the end of the week. Although to be fair, you are being hypocritical. You were the one who suggested we see other people. Now you know how I would feel if YOU were seeing someone else. Hurts doesn't it?"

"I apologize. If you say nothing is going on, then I believe you. But I'm going to tell you right now, if I find out you are lying to me about her I will never speak to you again. I hate being lied to."

"Then there is something I have to tell you. Your not going to like it but I need to be honest with you. You know how I freaked out when I found out about Satine?" Rey nodded. "Well, the day after our high fight I called my mother and um..."

"And asked her what?" Rey asked suspiciously.

"I asked her how I could get full custody of Satine."

"You what?! "How could you do this t me? I thought you understood that Satine needs me in her life! How could you do something so cruel!"

"My mother's a lawyer as you remember and I thought she'd have good advice for me."

"And did she?"

"She told me that a judge would never award me full custody and that she wouldn't help me anyway, not with how I've treated her and my father the past few years. Which was good advice, I realized that I was being stupid and that taking Satine away from you would be cruel.

"Well at least your mother has common sense. I should write her a letter thanking her."

"You won't have to do that. You can tell her in person. She's coming her this coming Friday to see you and Satine."

"I can't believe this! She's a lawyer Kylo, she might end up seeing me as an unfit mother and take Satine from me!"

"She wouldn't do that Rey. My mother's always liked you. She considers you the daughter she never had. She was not happy it's me when we broke up, she somehow knew it was my fault."

"And it's your fault again too. I'm not going to put up with your bullshit twice. I'm ending this, whatever this is before it gets to serious." She then dumped the rest of her wine on him.

"Goodnight and goodbye Kylo Ren!"

She then ran back to campus with tears rolling down her face and not looking back to see Kylo in a similar state.

To Be Continued....

A/N- You didn't think it was going to be smooth sailing between them did you? Rey can only handle so much and Kylo keeps screwing things up somehow.

Rey might feel better when Leia comes to visit later in the week. I plan on having her and Rey have a nice relationship between them.

Kylo on the other hand won't have many people in his corner after this latest screwup. Jessica and Phasma in particular aren't going to be too happy with him. He may end up doing something even more stupid. Let's just say, we haven't heard the last of Michelle.

"Special thanks to Reylo_is_My_Halo for the picnic idea. It seemed romantic so I used it. The rest I came up with myself, except for the music project idea, that was you again so thank you.

And BlueButterfly96 I think you'll like what I'm going to have Jessica do next chapter. She may be friends with him but no one hurts her Rey either lol.

That's all for now! As usual please leave your thoughts on this chapter and anything you want me to include in the future!! This story does well because of you guys so I look to all of you for suggestions!! Take care and see you again soon!! 💕💕❤️❤️😁😁

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