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A/N-I have jumped ahead a few days to Friday as I wanted a bit of a lighthearted chapter after the last few. Enjoy!!

Rey was super glad it was Friday. Today was the first football game of the year and she was anxious to see her friend Poe play in the game.

She was planning to attend with Finn, as she was still upset with Jessica, not as upset as she was with Kylo though.

They had formed a slight truce so they could work on their project together but Rey didn't talk to him outside of that. That was the only time she let Kylo see Satine to. Just enough so he wouldn't freak out on her again.

She looked at her phone, there was still enough time before game time to get a poem written and give Satine a bath. With a smile on her face Rey went back to her room.

Meanwhile in another part of the campus Finn was working up the courage to do something he had wanted to do for a few days now. He then saw who he was looking for and decided to go for it.

"Jessica! Can I talk to you for a minute?"

She looked in his direction with a smile and slight blush on her face before walking over.

"What's up Finn?"

"Are you going to the game tonight?"

"Yeah, but it looks like I'm going by myself, Rey still isn't talking to me."

"Well uh maybe you'd uh like to go with me? That way you wouldn't be alone?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Well uh yeah, if you want to that is."

"I'd love to! I've been hoping you'd ask me out. I may be a video game nerd but even I know when a guy likes me. I'll meet you outside the stadium at 6 and we can go in together."

"How about we meet a little earlier and grab something to eat before heading to the game?"

"Okay." She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm gonna go shower and get myself cleaned up before the game. See you later." With a smile she ran back to her dorm.

Finn watched her go with a huge smile on his face then went to tell Poe the great news.

Game time

Finally after a few hours of preparation the time had finally arrived. The stadium was crowded as everyone gathered to watch the first game of the year against the Tatooine Raiders.

The crowd was raucous as the home team came on to the field. Rey cheered extra loud when Poe entered.

"Go Poe!" She screamed loudly.

The seat beside her which had previously been empty suddenly had a chuckle come from it.

Rey froze when she saw who was sitting beside her.

"What the hell are you doing here? You hate sports. Why did you decide to come to this game?"

He smirked at her as he answered her questions. "Poe is my friend as well, I thought I'd come to the game and show my support. Also, you've been impossible to get alone lately and I thought that this would be my best opportunity to talk to you. He then looked around and frowned slightly. I don't see Finn or Jessica. I thought you'd be coming to the game with them."

"I was going to attend with Finn, until he decided to ask Jessica instead. I'm not quite back on speaking terms with her yet."

Kylo huffed in annoyance. "You need to forgive her. What happened was an accident. She didn't do it intentionally. I can see it's hurting her as much as it's hurting you, even if you won't admit it.

Rey contemplated his words for a minute before nodding slowly.

"I might forgive her soon. You on the other hand.... It'll take a lot for me to forgive you. And no I won't talk about the situation here at the game. I came here to forget about that for awhile. I want to have fun tonight and cheer on my friend. Real life can wait for a day or two."

Much to her amazement Kylo agreed. "You're right. Real life can wait. How about tomorrow we go to the coffee shop near the campus and talk things over there? I'll treat of course."

"Fine. I can do that. And since you're actually being nice about this, I'll bring Satine too. Now let's watch the game shall we?"

For the next two and a half hours Rey and Kylo cheered on Poe as he tried to lead his team to victory. The game was close and Poe took a few nasty hits out there but eventually the home team claimed the victory over their opponents.

"I must admit, I had a great time Kylo told her when the game ended. Would you let me accompany you back to your dorm?"

"Alright you can accompany me back to my dorm and kiss Satine good night. I'll congratulate Poe in the morning."

The walk back to the dorm was a silent one, but not tense like the past few days had been. Finally, they arrived back at Rey's dorm, Jessica wasn't back yet. Probably celebrating the victory with Finn and Poe.

"You can come in and kiss her goodnight while I pay the babysitter."

"That won't be necessary" Kylo told her. He handed some money to Ruby. "Will this cover your services for the evening?"

Ruby nodded dumbly at the amount Kylo held out to her before murmuring a quick good night to Rey. Once she left Rey turned to Kylo in surprise.

"Why did you do that? You didn't have to, I could have taken care of it."

Kylo shrugged. "Consider it my way of trying to make things up to you." He then walked over to where his daughter was laying. She looked up at him with wide eyes before making a happy sound, as though she knew who her daddy was.

He kissed her forehead tenderly before quietly saying "goodnight my  sweet little one."

He straightened then turned to Rey.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning around 11? We can get a coffee and breakfast and then talk things over. If that works for you?"

"11 should fine. Me and Satine will be waiting for you outside."

"Excellent!" "I'll be there and we can drive over together." He then kissed her cheek then left the room with a smirk."

"He's got some nerve doing that" she thought to herself red faced. She then changed into her pyjamas and fell into a dreamless sleep curious as to what the next day would bring.

To Be Continued.....

A/N- I promised a lighthearted chapter and I think I delivered on that.

I had fun writing this as I love football, specifically NFL but college is good too. I didn't go into great detail but Poe is the quarterback, he wants to play sports professionally after college.

And I hope I made you happy BlueButterfly96. Finn FINALLY asked Jessica out, there will be more dates and some kisses in the future.

Rey and Kylo have declared a slight truce for the time being. Kylo might be realizing that he was too hard on Rey and is going to try to make things up to her. Only time will tell if he's successful.

Next chapter will be their coffee date. They will try and clear things up between them as best they can. It'll be fun and lighthearted like this chapter most likely. So stay tuned for that.

Today is the last day to suggest story titles for this story. I'll be changing it tomorrow. So please send me suggestions!!

Thanks again to all my readers for making this story awesome to write thanks to all your guys support!! Hopefully this chapter is a fun read for you guys! I'd love to know what you thought of it!!!!

Take care and see you soon with more!!!! 😀😀😃😃😁😁😄😄💕💕❤️❤️

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