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Red to yellow, green to brown

The leave are starting to change color

As Autumn finally arrives!

Trees losing there leave and Becoming bare

Into the cold wind

As rain falls and makes there narks wet

They quiver and shiver as a cold droplet if water travels down there roots

But then!

It gets worse!

Winter comes and people cut the trees of!

For Christmas! Other the terror!

The cold snow lands on them as a soft touch but slowly melts and makes them feel like ice

However! We also get spring!

Flowers are growing

Our leaves become brighter and everyone's happier!

I start to hear laughter as people sit under me to eat!

The beautiful aroma goes up to my branches and starts to travel to NY twigs

As happiness takes over me I dont realize that summer is here!

The bright sun shining as the people are blinded

Everyone goes to the ebeach joe though!

So I'm all alone

With no one

Not even a twig

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