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It was a dark and rainy night. Rain pounded on every window the dark facility seems almost normal if a little spokey from the outside. Inside however is a completely different story. The building is almost pitch black and there is very little power running. The place seems to be running on back up power. The part of the building seen looks to be a combination of containment chambers and medical ward to the casual observere. A nearby sign points down the hall labeled offices. A beep is heard from a near by door as a scanner is activated. "Scanning... access level 5 granted ... welcome back Director."
Two men enter walking down a hall way to the left of the door the hall way is covered in glass, fried electronic parts, blood, and many other things mostly broken or damaged. Wire and currcit boards hangs down from the ceiling and a few lights are flickering. The men pass by a medic wheeling a bloody patient down the hall on a gurney, he is coverd in blood, burns and bruises. The man has an IV in his arm and an oxygen mask on his face his eyes are closed and he appears to be unconscious. The medic looks worried as they rush bye headed towards a room that says operating theater. Technicians and mechanics are seen running around, frantically trying to fix the damage as quickly as possible, as any delay could cause a breach in containment of one of the prisoners which could end disastrously for everyone in the building.
"She's a dangerous one" comment's the first his name tag reads James.
"I agree, I never thought one person could do such a thing even if they were a G.M.D.
"sir, what should we do if she wakes up."
"Well make sure she can't hurt anyone stay out of the room and inject seditives and power dampeners but make sure she stays awake for now. After that you may enter with me but only if i'm with you."
"Sir what about here brother he may come looking for her."
"If he does capture him try not to harm him if possible."
"We can use him as leaverage to get Cassandra to help find and capture the more dangerous rouge G.M.D's and bring them in. Do we have any information on her parents? Yes sir apperently she has two powers although even though a lot of G.M.Ds have two parents that are G.M.Ds she should only... he is cut off by the approch of a very frazzled women her badge reads Dr.Dianne Roberts,  Head Medic, clearence level 5.
"Sir",Dianne said, "she has awoken."
"Good, he replys as the three hurry down another hall that looks as equally damaged as the last. They enter a room reading level 5 containment cell authorized personal only. The Dr. unlocks the door with her key card. They enter a room with a few computers, medics and scientists are seen arguing, but they fall silent as soon as the door is shut. There is a large window leading to a reinforced room with a few chairs a table and a bed. There is no other windows in the room and there is only one door leading in the room with a little slot for food. Inside the room is a female around 5'5"  Caucasian, with dirty brown tangled hair, dirty clothes, and skin caked with blood dirty in grim, and it is clear she has not showered in a while as well as that she has been running for a while and likely lived in the wold before ending up here. She has a slim lean form that shows that she has been running for quite a while, her ribs are showing and its is clear she has not eaten or dranken well for a while. She has minor injuries which were cleaned and treated while she was unconscious and two braces on each wrist. She is in a chair with an IV in her arm and glowing circles around her wrists, that prevent her from moving to much or leaving her chair her head is hung down in a seemingly tired manner and her eyes are closed, but it is clear she is awake but only just, still loopy from the sedatives.
Hello... Cassandra!...

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