Bonus 1: Ex-Assistant Mayor Bellwether

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At Zootopia's City Hall, a cheerful little sheep was checking important documents inside the spacious and luxurious office of former mayor Leodore Lionheart, now owned by new mayor Dawn Bellwether. She finished signing papers with a small pen when she heard a few knocks on her office door.

"Come in." said the little mammal, almost singing.

"Did you wanna see me, Assistant Mayor Bellwether?" the thick voice of a buffalo answered her.

The good humor of the sheep disappeared and squeezed his pen so hard that it flew out of his desk.

"Pardon?" Dawn gritted her teeth.

"E-e-excuse me, Mayor Bellwether; sorry, habit. I'm ain't good for manners."

"Hehe." the lamb laughed with phoniness "Nah, don't worry, Commissioner Bogo." she called him cheerfully.

"Ahem," he hissed and cleared his throat "Chief Bogo, but whatever. What did you want, Miss Bellwether?"

"Could you give me today's report about savage animals? Did we have any incident today?" the sheep asked in a disturbingly happy tone.

"Unfortunately, yes. A polar bear turned wild near Big Mansion at Tundra Town, we managed to subdue him but he hurt seriously a civilian and injured two of our officers."

"What? Oh, mutton chops!" Bellwether claimed worried "And Judy? Is she okay?"

"Officer Hopps is fine and unharmed, but officers Delgato and Lobato were..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I just wanted to know about our heroine bunny," she interrupted abruptly "moving on to another topic, how're the department's new policies going?"

Chief Bogo sighed sulkily as the little lamb looked at him with a big smile.

"I've already moved all the predator officers out the front desk, and the new sheep staff recommended by yourself will start to work tomorrow. But if I may say something, personally I think..."

"Splendid!" She interrupted the big buffalo again "The Zootopia Police Department will have a new and more friendly image for most of their citizens, and it will feel more safety when..."

"Mayor Bellwether!" exclaimed the huge mammal "Please, reconsider this whole predator policy. I agree we give a good image of the police in these difficult times, but we need well trained police officers, and all the new recruits didn''t approve regular police training. In the event of a threat, they won't be prepared to respond in time to..."

"What do you mean? Just because they are prey or sheep, did you think they can't make a better job than predators? Are you questioning my authority?"

"Of course not mayor, regardless of whether they're prey or predators, experience and training are what makes the difference at the end of the day, if Mayor Lionheart was here, he'd understand that..."

"Ex-mayor!" Bellwether claimed, almost shouting "See this plaque? It belongs to the actual mayor of this city. If you don't wanna share the same fate as your predator friends, I suggest you never again mentioning again the former mayor in my presence or questioning my authority without evidence. Have I made myself clear, Bogo?"

"Yes, clear as crystal, ex... Mayor Bellwether!" said the chief, clenching his teeth and trying not to explode against the lamb. "Did you need anything else?"

"Yes," she smiled as she adjusted his glasses "I need you to bring here Officer Hopps immediately, I wanna show Judy the ZPD image."

"Right away."

Chief Bogo stood up from the chair with a grim face and headed to the office.

"Ah! And one more thing, Bogo. Could you smile a bit more, especially in front of Judy? We didn't wanna scare her, right?"

The cape buffalo showed a fake smirk, turned around and then returned to his serious face, Chief Bogo exited grumbling from the mayor's office.

"Very well Judy, I'm sure you love this surprise for you."

The sheep pulled from the drawer of his desk a poster of the ZPD with the image of Judy Hopps. It was an edition of her academy's graduation photo with the rabbit in the middle of the pic and the city at the background.

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