Forever & Always

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Today is the last day of school for the year. Y/C/N, my amazingly perfect boyfriend, and I are going to our local Amusement Park after school. School ends at 1, and today also happens to be our three-month anniversary. To be honest, I think it's adorable that he remembered, but being the romantic he is, it's not much of a surprise.
The final bell rings and Y/C/N and I walk to our adjacent lockers and kiss, as we grab our school bags. "Ready to go?"
I nod. "Today's going to be perfect."
Y/C/N drives and within half an hour, we're at the showground. We go around on rides and Y/C/N keeps reminding me of how childish I am. "Babe, I know that's why you love me."
He smiles. "That and a million other reasons."
I blush and peck his lips. "I love you."
"I love you-"
"Y/C/N, Y/C/N can we get fairy floss!?!" I scream as I see the fairy floss stand.
He laughs. "Anything for you, baby girl."
I grab his arm and drag him to the fairy floss stand, he pays for two large ones and the man gives us our sticks. I gasp. "Y/C/N WE GET TO DO THEM OURSELVES!!!"
He giggles. "Yes we do!"
We start doing them, and we have nearly finished, but I, being my childish self, stick my finger in and gather some on there before putting it in Y/C/N's face. He looks at me and his eyes and mouth widen. "Oh no you didn't!"
I giggle and run off as he sticks his arm in, gathering as much as he can before screaming back at the stall man, "Thanks for the fairy floss." and running off.
The man rolls his eyes. "Love-sick teenagers."
Y/C/N chases me around until I think I'm out of his sight. Then, I hide behind a game stall and let out a few deep breaths, he was always a faster runner than me, but I've got him this time. Or, at least, I think I do, until I feel two strong arms wrap around me, I see that it's Y/C/N and then realise that he's shoving his sticky arm in my face, covering me with fairy floss. "Idiot."
"Who's the childish one now?" I reply, teasingly.
"Still you." he replies smirking. "But I love it. I love you."
"Love you too."
We then continue walking and Y/C/N spots the ferris wheel. "Pleeeeeeeease."
I'm terrified of heights, and Y/C/N knows that, but then he does his best puppy-dog face. I won't give in, I won't give in, I won't- "Fine."
He smiles widely and we get on the ferris wheel, luckily the line isn't long. We're nearly at the top, me clutching Y/C/N's arm for dear life, and him giggling and reassuring me that although I am adorable, we're safe. "Y/N, the only danger here is that you're going to cut my circulation off."
"Oh sorry." I mutter, realising that his arm is turning slightly blue.
He laughs. "It's fine."
We then get to the top and the ferris wheel pauses. I didn't realise how late it was until now, I can see a beautiful view of a sunset on the beach. "Wow, isn't it beautiful?"
I can feel Y/C/N looking at me, as I stare at the sunset in awe. "Not as beautiful as you."
I blush, but the sentimental moment is ruined as I notice something on Y/C/N's arm. "Y/C/N, don't move."
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Just don't move. Trust me."
"Y/N, seriously, I know you're childish but this is a bit muc- AHHHHHH HOLY SHIT IT'S A SPIDER JESUS AGHHHH GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF Y/N SAVE MEEEE!" He screams suddenly, and although his reaction is both adorable and the perfect blackmail material, I go to his aid, knowing his massive fear of spiders.
I wipe it off his arm and throw it off the side of our seat and he hugs me tightly. "Thank you Y/N, you're my hero."
I laugh at his baby-tone and giggle. "We're as childish as each other."
He laughs too. "Hey, I have a legit fear, you're just cute. That's what makes us perfect for each other."
He then pulls me into a kiss. "Y/N, I don't ever want to lose you, will you promise to be mine?"
I nod. "Forever and Always, babe."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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