We've Got Chemistry

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His pov

"Y/C/N! You never seem to pay attention in this class!" Mr. Halt calls to me. I've never been good at Chemistry, it's just one of those lessons I never seem to grasp the concept of. Anyways, Mr Halt is always picking on me but he's never seemed to take it this far before. "I'm going to need to see you after class."
My friends all tease jokingly, but I can't get it off my mind for the rest of the lesson. I hope I haven't gotten myself into anything too bad! The rest of the lesson goes by pretty slowly. I must admit, I never really liked Chem, I only chose it because of this one girl in my class. Her name's Y/N. She's absolutely beautiful and imperfect but in the perfect way. I love everything about her. Her gorgeous hair, mesmerising eyes and great personality. She's like a little ray on sunshine, brightening my day. I don't know what I'd do without her, yet she doesn't even know my name.
"Umm, hi," a pretty voice says, I look up and see it's Y/N. My heart stops. "Can I borrow a pen?"
I nod, but my hands are shaking with nerves, so I simply pass her my pencil case.
"Thanks," she smiles, showing off her dimples. Can she get any more adorable?
"Anytime," I mutter under my breath. I see her help herself to my favourite pen and then pass it back to me. "Thanks Y/C/N."
Oh. My. God. She actually knows my name. Seriously Y/C/N! You need to calm down. How does one girl have such an affect on me. It's like when she's sad, I'm sad. When she's feeling happy, it doesn't matter how bad my day is; I can't help but be happy too. She's infectuous.
The bell rings, bringing me back to the real world. "Y/C/N, come here please."
I groan, but still go and stand next to Mr Halt. "Y/C/N your grades are dropping and if you don't pass the test next week, I will strongly suggest to the career's worker that you drop out. For now however..."
He trails off, looking at Y/N with an expression that is unreadable. "Y/N, could you come here for a moment?"
She nods, and walks towards us. She stands dangerously close to me. Dangerously. I literally cannot breathe. "Could you possibly tutor Y/C/N for a while so that he can try and get a good grade for this coming test? I know how good you are at Chemistry and I think you could be a good influence on him."
"Sure Mr Halt!" she then turns to me and looks into my eyes. "Wanna come over to my house tonight?"
I nod. I cannot speak. Words are not forming in my mind, let alone on my lips. "Well, come on then!"

She grabs my arm, sending tingles down it. She's touching me and suddenly I've forgotten how to breathe. She leads me out towards the lockers and I text my mum, letting her know I'll be home late. We both pack our bags and then she walks me to her house. "So, tell me about yourself!"
"Well, my name's Y/C/N," I begin but she interrupts me.
"I know that silly!" she begins, "Tell me something I don't know!"
"Y-you know my name?" I ask, stupidly.
"Yeah!" she begins, "how could I not?"
"Well, I guess I just didn't think you noticed me."
"Oh," she begins solemnly, "I never knew you felt like that."
"Don't worry, it's okay." I reply, "I'm not usually noticed by anyone."
"No!" she practically shouts. "It's not like that! I-"
She looks at the ground and bites her lip. "I-I really like you Y/C/N. Really like you and I never knew how to tell you but I guess now the cat's out of the bag."
I stop breathing for what feels like the thousandth time today. She turns at least 10 shades of red and I giggle.
"Y/N, you have no idea how badly I wanted to hear you say that. Will you be my girlfriend?"
I cannot believe the courage that is swelling inside of me. "Yes!"
I take my hand in hers and I walk with my girlfriend to her house where she will give me some tutoring, and I look forward to the next Chem lesson, where I'll have my girl right next to me.
A smile appears on my face, knowing that she's mine.

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