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Maggie's pov
The movie was now done and over with, Everyone was leaving. I saw Jj and the rest of he boys stand up, my goals was to talk to Jj! I need to at least say hi.

I walked behind him and patted his back. He turned around with a smile and I smiled at him.

"MAGGIE." He screamed laughing and hugged me. I hugged him back and he kissed my cheek.

"It's so nice to finally meet you!" I hugged him again and he laughed the best laugh I ever heard ever.

"You're even more beautiful in real life." He said looking me up and down as I laughed slightly.

"Thanks Jj," I started," you're even better looking then the pictures." I said and winked at him.

All his friends started walking away except a blonde one," Jj follow us after you're done." The white blonde boy said smiling. He seems nice

"Ight man." He said nodding and the blonde kid walked away.

"That's Simon by the way." Jj said giggling. I smiled at him with a little laugh.

"We should hang out sometime." Jj said licking his lips and I nodded smiling.

"We should." I said smiling.

" tomorrow movies." He said already making the plans not even asking if I was free.

"What if I have plans?" I sassed smiling and he looked a little taken back. He coughed a little standing straight.

"Do you have any plans tomorrow?" He asked properly and I broke out smiled.

" I have plans with this dork to go to the movies." I said jokingly rolling my eyes. He laughed and hugged me.

"See you tomorrow?" He asked smiling walking back with his two fingers pointing at me and I nodded with my eyes closed and a smile.

I opened up my eyes to see him running to his friends car. Damn he's so cute

"What's just happened here?" Selena asked smirking and I gave her the 'fuck off' look.

" you obviously know." I said sighing and started walking to the car.

" he asked to fuck?" Riannon questioned and everyone laughed.

"No bitch!"we all laughed," he asked for us to hang out tomorrow." I said simply shrugging.

"OMG THAT MEANS HES INTO YOU!" Tiffany screamed and ran into the car, the bitch knew I was about to attack her.

We all laughed and got into the car, we just listened to some music and jammed out.


Maggie Lindemann

Caption: Tonight was hella fun🤷‍♀️

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Caption: Tonight was hella fun🤷‍♀️

Sorry for never updating, school is ass😂😏
Anyway good day

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