The fountain

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"She's waking up!" You heard a voice. Slowly you open your eyes to see the prisoners standing around you. No longer in the ship no now you were all in a completely different area. You felt water around you and you panic sitting up and doing your best to distance yourself from them drawing your weapon from your gem.
"Whoa calm down we aren't going to hurt you," the amethyst spoke and took a few steps closer to you.
"Stay away from me!" You start to run full panic taking over. The fusion quickly moved in front of you. Your weapon is pulled from your hands and the other gems quickly restrain you.
"Calm down it's okay we won't hurt you. Just calm down," the fusion took off her visors. Then held up the visors you had got from peridot as a gift.
"Give them back! Those aren't yours give it back," you manage to get an arm free and you quickly snatch the visors out of your hand and hold them to your chest.
"Guys let her go I think you're hurting her," the boy spoke.
"Y-yeah listen to the hybrid leader let go of me," you squirm. The two gems holding you look to the fusion getting a nod of agreement. Soon your let go of.
"I'm steven what's your name?" The 'Steven' looked up at you with a smile.
"I'm Hybrid RQH205. Why is your designation 'Steven'?" You cock your head to the side.
"My parents gave me this name," he explained.
"Parents? What are parents?" You look to the others for an explanation.
"They love and raise you. They help you grow up," Steven explained.
"I don't have parents. I had a care unit for a while then my acclimators became my care units...." your explanation earns confusion,"look I just want to get my care units back finish our mission and get off of this forsaken planet. You can keep the lapis. I just want my care units now where are they?" You look around.
"Lapis fused with jasper. They're at the bottom of the ocean somewhere. As for peridot we have no idea," the fusion spoke.
"What? No. Jasper would never fuse with anyone besides a jasper. There's no way," you glared,"you're lying to me!"
"Shh calm down it's okay,"garnet hugged you," deep breathes we'll find them,"
"No I can't trust you," pulling away you turn on your heel and start to run as fast as your feet would carry you. No destination in mind just away from them and hopefully towards jasper and peridot.

Hybrid RQH205Where stories live. Discover now