You like Liam

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(Chapter 3)

"Hey Rose, can you come here?" Liam called.

"Yeah one second!" I called and walked to Liam's room. Hm, my foot doesn't hurt, weird.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"This." He said and pressed his body close to mine, pushing me against the wall.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered.

"I love you Rose." He said. I gulped,

"I love you too Li. Now what are you doing?" I asked as his face came closer to mine. He leaned toward my ear,

"Wake up."

I jolted up in bed and found a

giggling group of boys.

"What the..?" I asked quietly.

"I love you too Li! Aw isn't that cute Harry? She was dreaming about Liam!" Louis exclaimed. My cheeks burned a deep red and I looked down. Niall was laughing his head off and Harry and Louis were being all couple like.

"Oh I love you Harry! Catch me!" Louis yelled and fell into Harry. Zayn sat on my bed watching the two loonies 'make out.' Liam was staring at me curiously.

"So what was your dream, huh?" Louis pestered me as I made my way downstairs with my crutches.

"Leave me alone. I'm to hungry to talk." I said and went into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and found lots of left over pizza. I put two pieces in the microwave and sat up on the counter.

"Come onnnnn! Tell me what the dream was!" Louis cried.

"You really wanna know what the dream was?" I asked. He nodded excitedly and grinned.

"Ok, it was me and Liam having lots of dirty fun in your bed, and then you came in and Harry was there so you two got it on." I tried my hardest to stay serious. Louis looked at me shocked and slightly terrified.

"YOU WHAT? TELL ME THAT'S NOT TRUE! AAHHHH!" He yelled. I slapped his cheek lightly.

"Of course it's not true, you idiot!" I replied. He sighed,

"Thank god! I can't even imagine you having sex with Liam!"

I smacked his head and got my pizza out of the microwave.

"Oh, but you can imagine you and Harry doing that?" I asked. He winked at me and I chuckled. I made my way to the living room and plopped down on the couch where all of the boys were.

"We'll leave in about an hour." Liam said. I nodded and started eating my pizza.

"Anyone know how I'm going to bowl with crutches?" I asked and giggled.

"Hop on one foot?" Zayn suggested.

"I think I might try that."

"It's not working!" I cried as I hopped over to sit after getting my third gutterball.

"Maybe you could try what you did last time?" Niall suggested. I sighed and grabbed my bowling ball. I hopped over on one foot and sat before the little line. I set my bowling ball down right before the line and started twirling it. After it was twirling quite a bit I pushed it. It rolled toward the pins, quite slowly. It ran into the pins, knocking all but two down.

"Well that worked better." I said and sat next Liam. I swung my legs up onto Liam's lap.

"Zayn you're up." Liam said. He nodded and grabbed his bowling ball. He got a strike.

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