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Epilogue – It Hurts

Play at *_*
Silence by Marshmello ft Khalid

It's been a few years since Louis moved out of the comfort of his family home. He now lived on his own, worked on his own, and spent most of his time on his own.

Him and his parents had a falling out a few years back causing this move, but he'd rather not think of what happened. He missed his mom and dad. A lot. But they'd never miss him. They wanted him back to the way that he was. Twitchy. A spas. They wanted to care for him. Louis didn't want that. So when the opportunity came to him in an email from his doctor, he took it gladly.

It was an experiment to see if they could cure Tourette's. They needed a volunteer. All doctors who had a patient with this syndrome, were required to reach out and ask their patients. When Louis emailed back with his answer, they said they'd start the procedure in a weeks time.

Louis told his parents two days before the procedure. He told them everything the doctor explained in his email, how the surgery would work and what they would have to do.

His parents were in shock. They didn't move or say anything. Jay forced a smile and went to her room where her husband followed. The sound of cries came from their room. Guilt flooded Louis but he needed this surgery.

He wanted to be normal.

It was the day of the procedure. He laid on the table watching as a nurse held a mask. As the doctor came in, adjusting his gloves, the nurse slowly put the mask over his nose and mouth. She softly spoke, "Think of your happy place. Close your eyes. Go to sleep. We'll see you when you wake up." And that's all that he remembered.

Louis woke up with a bandage around his head and a hazy gaze. No one was with him. He looked around, sad. His parents failed to come to something so important. He had survived.. but did he still have Tourette's?

Years later, he lived normally. The surgery worked but it did have its downs. As does every procedure. His brain worked differently. He had seemed to have a stutter and his dreams were mostly blank with small blots of colour. He has a scar from the middle of his forehead going into his hair, but he didn't care.

Louis sighed as he leaned against the counter of his current job; the library. It was the only one willing to let him work. The nice older man who ran the library was kind enough to look past his stutter. "As long as you're kind to the customers, you can work." Was what he said before he got the job.

Louis adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose, sitting on the swivel chair. He picked up a book that was waiting to be put back on the shelf and opened to the front page to see what it was about. The book was old and worn out. Most people didn't like old, wrinkly books but Louis loved those. Seeing the wrinkles only took his mind to adventures of where the book has been, how many times a certain person read it, or how many times they had to let the book dry off after spilt coffee or tea.

As he opened the book was half way through the chapter, he heard someone clear their throat. "Excuse me, mister?" A young girl's voice interrupted Louis' thoughts. He quickly looked up and gave a gentle smile at the girl who held two books in her hands along with a card. "May I check these out?" She asked.

"O-Of co-ourse, lo-ove." Louis said quietly. The little girl giggled. He bit his lip, reminding himself to stay quiet. He only stuttered on the "oh" "uh" "oo" vowels. He gestured to her card and watched as she scanned it. He registered the two books under her account before giving the books to her, with a smile, of course.

It Hurts ~ Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now