Chapter 2

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I jumped onto board and rode it to the bus stop a few blocks away swerving in and out of the random junk people leave out on the side walk. A stack of newspapers here, a bag of garbage there, I think I even passed a box of kittens a block back.

Too bad Ben's allergic to felines...

"Hey, Parker!!" I spun my head around and stopped my board and saw Flash coming up behind me on his own board.

"Hey, Flash!!" I smiled as he reached me. Flash is tall, well, taller than my five foot and six inches. He has buzz cut blonde hair, blue eyes, and a splash of freckles across his nose and cheeks. 'A spitting image of his father.' My mom says. I've only met Mr Thomson once or twice and I agree with my mom, he defiantly looks like a mini-me of him.

Once flash caught up with me we fist-bumped then started towards the bus stop on our boards. As we were going down the street, something caught my eye on one of the newsstands. I stopped abruptly and went to the stand to get a closer look.

'Fantastic Four foils the scheme of the Mole-Man!' The front page said in bold letters. Under it was a picture of the FF with Mole-Man in handcuffs.

Flash came up to me and looked at all the pages posted around the stand. "Heh, look at all this stuff...." I grabbed the FF one and look closer at the picture. I was looking for something... Someone... Flash looked over my shoulder, "Whats that?"

I look up for a second, "Oh, um, just a Fantastic Four thing..." I looked back down at it and studied the people in the picture. There was Mr. Fantastic, the leader and brains of the team, The Invisible Woman, second in command and fiancé to Mr. Fantastic, The Thing, muscles and pilot, and The Human Torch, who's also a pilot but mostly the comic relief for the group. But I wasn't looking for either of them. "Where is she?" I whispered.

"Where's who?" I jumped in surprise, I forgot flash was standing over my shoulder,

"Ah! Flash! Don't scare me like that."

"Heheh, sorry." He grabbed my paper and examined it.

"Hey!" I tried to snatch it back but Flash held it high over his head. He laughed as I tried to grab it but with no avail. I tried jumping but he moved away from me. I sighed exasperatedly and crossed my arms, "Flash, can I have that back please?"

"Um, nooooope!" Flash and I like stretching out our nopes it's something we've done for years. "Not until you show me who you were looking for." He smirked and shook the page in front of my face. I smiled,

"Fine." I grabbed the paper and looked at it. "Ah-ha! There she is!" I said pointing to a girl in the background with blonde hair and blue eyes. Flash grabbed the paper with one of his hands as I was holding it and looked closer at it,

"Who's that?" He said squinting at her. I smirked and pulled the paper away from his fingers,

"Well, that is classified infomation, who wants to know?" I said in hick accent.

"Dude! You said you would tell me!"

"Noooope! You asked me to show you who I was looking for. And I did."

"Well I meant tell me!" He said in a pouty voice. I laughed,

"I'll tell you later." I paid the newsstand guy for the paper and stuffed it into my backpack. "We need to get to school as of now." I dropped my skate board onto the pavement and rode off on it towards school.

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