The Adventures of Danlock Holmes and Phil Watson - Part 1

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I awoke to the sound of my friend Danlock and the gentle melodies of the violin he cherished. The feeling of regret still stained my body but I could not think of a way to notify him. Of course, unless my friend was the man whom had taken me from the dangers of the night and escorted me to our humble apartment? The address of 332 Baker Road had become regulated in my mind. In my attempt to remember last night, I remembered the man of which I was yet to be introduced to, pleaing before Danlock. I set myself the goal of discussing the business of this man and why he was on our property.

I exited my room, placing my waistcoat over me, ready to catch a horse drawn carriage from Baker Road to Southcroft to collect the payment from a fellow of which Danlock had loaned money in order to receive access to some house while on a case. The house lay on a street that acted as the crime scene for multiple incidents such as murders as well as the destruction of a bakery. The one crime Danlock was interested in though, was the fact that a criminal could be so neglectful to faking damage on his house. However before I could leave I was called upon by Mrs. Pentland our the landlady.

"Phillip, be a dear and take this up to Danlock." She requested, frail hands gripping a tray. The contents of the tray was the usual order of tea, made from the yet to be ground up leaves kept in a locked cupboard. The cupboard in question is one of which only those with the mind of Danlock may open. He once offered me 200 shillings if I could open the cupboard within a week. But to my dismay, I failed to even see him open it up. Each night, he leaves the exact number of tea leaves to go into his tea, and Mrs. Pentland never fails to prepare it for 9 am sharp. I may never know the content of this cupboard, but I will be satisfied by knowing possibly the only two men that do know.

I make my way up the steps to the living room. I was astonished to see that Chriscroft was sat on the settee, discussing the importance of a case with Danlock. "Ah, precise timing Watson, leave my cup on the table and hand me today's paper." He said, not needing to see me in order to know something was displaced. "You came in between 12am and 1am last night, started sleeping around 2 and woke up at approximately 8:34am so you could collect the payment from our recent case as you assumed I'd forget." I did not react. As Danlock put it, my mind had become adept with the idea that he would always know my plans, and I had no further need to question anything that came out of that man's mouth. I did however, wonder why in God's name the man's brother had come to see him about a case as from what I heard, sounded nothing more than a petty robbery of which the criminal had already been convicted.

"Is there anything at all you want before I leave?" I asked, waiting to rush off.
"A bottle of chlorophyll, a pipe and about 200 pounds of any meat, unprepared, it is vital that the meat is unprepared!" This was one of those times I did actually question Danlock. From the expression on Chriscrofts face, I was not alone in this. Seeing the obvious confusion he sighed and explained it to us as 'an experiment relating to the death of a passed out man, whom fell from London Bridge onto a passing yacht' though he failed to explain how. "Well, pleasure seeing you Chriscroft but I must be off. When I return should you be here still, I'd like to ask why all those in your family have a mind which is beyond comparison to anyone besides yourselves."

"Very well."

As I returned, I was greeted with a trail of blood leading up towards the living room. Nobody seemed to be home so I figured that the Holmes' must have gone on the hunt for something and Mrs. Pentland must have business to attend to elsewhere. However, if this where the case then why was the trail of blood here? I cocked the gun I kept hidden in my waistcoat and slowly crept upstairs, being sure to scan everything I passed. I reached the top of the stairs, still with nobody was in sight but suddenly I felt a bag being pulled over my head and a cloth being dipped into the chlorophyll I was holding. Before I knew it I fell to the ground in a drowsy state, unable to make sense of any of my surroundings. This is then I saw his face, the face...
of P.J.arty.

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