The Adventures of Danlock Holmes and Phil Watson - Part 2

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I awoke, not in my bed, but tied to a chair on the roof of a building. Based on my surroundings I would say far from Baker Road, but still in London as I could partially make out the silhouette of Buckingham palace. I tried to undo the knot, but it would take a butchers knife to cut through. Unfortunately all I possessed at that time was a cheque and a chlorophyll bottle.

"Where's Danlock, Phil? P.J.arty asked, appearing from behind him, brandishing a gun.
"Nice to see you again."
"Shut up, either tell me where Danlock is or die!" I waited a second. Something was off. This man, while with the appearance of P.J.arty was definitely not the same man of which Danlock had spent many hours trying to eliminate. The humour and insanity which separated him from other smart criminals seemed to be non existent, and the real P.J.arty wouldn't commit any crime at all unless it was extravagant enough to revive attention from the country. For the real psychopathic criminal it was a battle between him and Danlock to see who's name should appear first in the articles depicting there defeat. "Tell, me where he is! Or hope your brain can withstand lead!" Fake P.J.arty cried, gun resting on Phil's shoulder.
"Only if you tell me why you chose to disguise yourself as P.J.arty." Phil replied, finding something vital to his escape. It took a second for the criminal to respond. "So you are Dr. Watson, partner of the famous Danlock Holmes."
"If you weren't certain on my identity, why did you even kidnap me? You could have just asked. More importantly, what is your plan for Danlock?"
There was a twinkle in Fake P.J.arty's eye. "Oh, I just wanted you to say it so I could have the pleasure of bragging to others. As for my plan for Danlock? Well, he's yet to even wake up ." Fake P.J.arty laughed, pulling off his P.J.arty mask only to reveal a mask of Danlock.

"Time for me to come clean," Fake P.J.arty said, raising his gun up to my cheekbone "I'm an employee of a little organisation that despises you. I understand that there are many, but mine is by far the superior group." He told me, cocking the gun. I struggled, but could not undo the ropes around my wrists. The feeling of unknown was slowly turning into fear as I pictured death. "I've had this plan set up since the beginning of this week. See, I found a flaw with the great Danlock Holmes, he insists that everything has greater meaning. So I staged a few petty crimes that I knew would gain the attention of Chriscroft Holmes. After that, I witnessed all of Danlock's moves from this week and found the best way to find you. That last case you solved was entirely staged by yours truly." He finished talking, resting his finger on the trigger which was stationed far too close to my head. "But enough of my plan, don't worry, you won't be alone in heaven for long. Danlock will join you in due coarse." I began to tremble, tugging at the ropes around my wrists. Fake P.J.arty slowly began to pull back the trigger of the cocked gun.

The gun fired. All fell silent soon after.

Fake P.J.arty lay bleeding out, the red stained cuffs showed the bullet was lodged in his arm. I could not recall the following events, but I felt the force of a blunt club on the back of my head. When I awoke, I was greeted by the pleasant sight of Danlock, mid-changed, bare skin from the waste down. "I have a lot to notify you of." I said, sitting up, sizing up my friend and all his features.
"I'll take them into account after I give you my apologies for not saving you sooner. Also, unless you know any more than what fake P.J.arty told you upon that rooftop, I have no need for your input."
"Well then, perhaps you shall notify me as to what happened after I embrace your apology," I replied, undoing the buttons of my pants.

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