Day 33 ~ Is an Happy ending Possible?

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Chen : That's not Sehun... that's jenny... Look she is sleeping on a purple sheet.. It's definitely her...

Lay : Yes it's her... Guys I wanna share something with you all...

I mean you must all have not known this..

Jenny was suffering from brain cancer due to that accident... Doctor informed us that she won't last an year.. And that's when we started to start a revenge..

When we guys met at N Seoul tower.. She was fighting her last days.. But she badly wanted to see you all and tell you guys what happened with her life and the struggles she had all this while.. But then.. Things turned out on a different track..

When she came to know that it was not Sehun's fault she wanted to live her last two days with him and the rest of us happily.. But then I'm not really sure what happened. ..

Without her dream being fulfilled she would have left us....

But I wanted to be next to here... Why Kris??????? Why jakeeee???? You Guyssssssss hided???????

I took care of her as my own sister.. I wanted to be next to her... Why why why???????

Lucy : This is why Jake and Kris told that I'm the only girl they now have to take care of???


Baeky : Chanyeol get up... Please.. Don't leave me alone...

Suho : At least tell us whether our last hope Sehun is alive...

We cant have any more heart breaks..


Luhan : WHERE IS SEHUN?????????

Tao : Let their souls rest in peace..

Chen : RIP...

Lucy : Where is Sehun Oppa???? Huh??

Suho : Where is he gone???



Suho : Thank God, At least your your fine... What's wrong with others???

We know LeeChan is no more and she is lying there.. Did Chan and Jenny also leave??

That's why they are lying there in that frozen place???????

Tao : Why are you so dumb Suho???? Can't you see what's going on?  If they are alive why would they lie there?

Chen : Omo im in pain.. Exo will be incomplete without Chanyeol.. We can't live without our Happy Virus.. This is so bad..

Lucy : LeeChan left us too and did Jenny eonnie leave us too!?

Luhan : Sehun Gwenchana?????

Sehun : (*Angerily*) Did you drink Luhan???? This just means that you broke my damn promise... How can you even do that!????

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