Day 13 ( Miss X?! Who is that Miss X)

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I found the strangers who called my name was Sehun and Chanyeol . I noticed Chanyeol eyes were so reddish , denoting he is crying . I couldn't understand anything for a minute . I excused myself from Jake and my poor boyfriend left without raising any questions. I was a bit relieved Coz I was afraid whether he will know I'm living with 12 boys . Chanyeol left when I Neared them and Sehun looked down .

I can't even get like what the hell was going and I can't figure out what exactly happened to these Both. I asked Sehun and he was like in a mixed emotion state .

Sehun : Why did you leave the house without informing us ?!
Myself : I was mind off , when you reacted to me like that .
Sehun : I'm sorry ! I mistook you as Jenny .
Myself: Yeah I can understand.
Sehun : Don't misunderstand that I have feelings for you . My heart belongs only to my Jen .
Myself : I'm sure I won't , and I too don't have any feelings Coz I'm already committed with my classmate.
Sehun : Don't try to hurt my brother Chan . I can't see him sad .
Myself : ( I raised my eyebrows) Excuse me ?! What me ?! You was the one who fought ! Not me
Sehun : We had a misunderstanding. Okay let's head home , everyone are waiting for us .
Myself : Sure .

During our way , I tried speaking to Chanyeol but the happy virus turned into a very cold guy . He didn't even look at me . He was ignoring me a lot .

Among the 12 members in EXO , the person I admire the most is Chanyeol. He was reacting , like I don't exist . It hurted my feelings . As I'm sensitive, tears started flowing Coz he didn't even reply a word .

As we neared home , to surprise I could see the members welcoming me which made so embrassed. Chen without knowing came to me and hugged .

Kai and lay became mad on me and they were like "Never go out without our knowledge"

Luhan was giving the naughtiest smile and gave the cutest wink .

Tao , Xiumin and Baekhyun was staring at me as if they saw a ghost standing .

At first , I couldn't understand actually what was happening , then Kyungsoo gave me an explanation that same thing happened an year ago when Jenny left the house upset and passed away . So they thought something might happen to me as well . I smiled at them and said I will never do something like that Coz I'm a strong girl .

Sehun laughed and everyone attention turned towards him . "Are you strong ?! , Few minutes back when chan hyung didn't respond to you , there were tears dropping " And everyone started laughing .

Aissshhhhh this boy ! He is insulting me a lot . Kyungsoo prepared the dinner and asked us to gather at the dinning . Luhan came near and asked me how was Sehun lips tasted .

Omgggg ! Luhan , he is really stupid . He don't know what stuffs to ask to a girl . Kai tapped on Luhan's head and dragged him inside . I laughed without my knowledge and my mood completely changed .

While eating , I called out to Chanyeol once again but he was still cold and rude . I was very upset on his behaviour. After the dinner I helped them with the dishes and headed to my room . Aisshhhhh I have College tomorrow.

The next morning I got up ,prepared myself for college , went down and prepared food for the boys . After my work is done ,on the sticky notes I have them the information that I'm heading to college and I will late home Coz I'm meeting my aunt .

I was walking in the garden while I saw chan sleeping to the cold lounge . It shook me for a moment . I went near him and he was unconscious. His head was heated up . He is having fever . I got afraid and tried waking him up .

EXO-In love with a strangerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant