admitted that you like her let her go....

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Renee POV

Before the graduation day of HQ i ask Piers and Chris if they know how to play a instrument and it happen everytime i have spare time I"ll go to see Piers or Chris to help me to play the instrument but first they ask why i need to play the instrument?? But i didn't answer there question because its not in my list because i like it that's why months later that I've been learning myself without Piers and Chris help my mind pop out and i figure it out i should make a song just for Leon but he's my brother and i need to give him something but one small problem is... 

He doesn't like to eat sweet food

He doesn't like going out or have fun with me 

He always busy to his job and to think to save the world

this is Leon dislike and his / disadvantage 

and this one is Leon like life everyday its like routine to him 

Leon is always serious to his job 

Leon is handsome cool and great Leader in the future perhaps 

Leon is always talk formal to other people 

Leon attitude is mean,cold,rude,coldblooded but someway he always there to save citizen and his friends too..

Leon never gives up whatever trials he is having today at his work even to the mission 

Leon has care for me and to his friends sometimes he don't listen to Hunnigan his friend he will always find a new way to solve the problem he is having...

and last of the list Leon is my brother i like the way he is right know but small problem is i don't know what to do about him i want to make me him because like to tease Leon better one thing problem is how i'm i going to surprise him in what why??

or maybe...





i could do the old way of what boys do to there girlfriends and there bestfriend and i hope it will this time i will not waste my 3 days i want it to make memorable just me and him 

> backyard<

this should be better there are lights everywhere a glass and bottle of wine i'm pretty sure that Leon will allow me to drink a wine everything is settle everything is perfect all i need to do is to show this Leon and to play to him that i made him a song but what song i will play to him the English or the Tagalog song its hard to think and pick the song you're going to play to your brother...

>after the song she sang< 

YES!! success my mission is full of complete it was I've make my brother blush and especially me i don't know how many times i got blush of what Leon said to me but it doesn't matter to me know as long as he's happy and i'm happy too.. 

little by little i felt like my body was about to collapsed and sleepy i lean my head to Leon arm instead of his shoulder heck because i'm small can't reach him so no choice i lean to his arm and my eyes are went black but before i totally asleep I've send something that makes him even more Blush 

 " So now you'll be admitted to it that I Love you very much that I Love you very much Remenber that   " 

my eyes went black already 

Leon POV

When i wake up Renee is not my side she's gone i close my eyes again and it flash back what happen yesterday i hope that night is not real i hope it just my imagination but i was wrong yesterday and what she said was true... Suddenly i smell a yummy food and i am not totally mistake its Renee i went to the kitchen and i was Renee its cooking while preparing our breakfast she smile at me so brightly and i smile her back 

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