part 9 - snowdin

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       ~Cory's pov~

He was gone.... I stay quiet and put the knife in my pocket.... frisk said "let's continue Cory..." I nodded and continue, frisk and I get to another big door, we open the door....frisk yell "omg there is snow!!!!" I said "how is even posible that trees grow here?!" She strug and said "let's play with the snow!" I replaid "...can...we do it later...? I mean we still a long way to get out of here..." she nodded and said "yeah... well then, later we'll play with the snow"
She said "yay!" We continue walking, we pass a stick..yeah a stick... before getting to the bridge we hear that something break, shelby said scared "what was that?" I replaid "meaybe an animal broke the stick we saw" she nodded "meaybe..." she said we continue and get to the bridge behind us...a voice said "h u m a n . . . D o n ' t  y o u 
k n o w  h o w  t o  m e e t  a  n e w  p a l ?  T u r n  a r o u n d  a n d  s h a k e  m y 
h a n d . . ." I said "I'm going to turn around..." shelby said "be careful..." I turn around and take the hand of the person...or monster and we hear a...pffffff... I can't hold on and I giggled, frisk did too. The voice was a skeleton with a blue hoddy and back shorts, he said "heheheh the old cushion trick, is always funny... I'm sans, sans the skeleton. are you humans rigth?" We nodded he continued "I should be looking for humans, but I'm not really going to capture someone, but...papyrus, oh man he is a fanatic human hunter" frisk and I look at each other, sans said "oh hey look here he comes, hurry ho hide behind that shaped lamp" we nodded and hide behind the lamp and stay there, then a tall skeleton with strange clothes come and said "SANS!" sans said "what's up?" Papyrus said "YOU KNOW WHAT SUP SANS" sans said "do you have a Bone to pic?" *bada tuss* I laugh a lil' paps said "NYYYYEEEEEH SANS STOP THE JOKES" he said "but you are smiling" paps said "I AM AND I HATE IT" he said "come on bro today is PUNtastic day" I laugh again, paps said "OMG SANS STOP" he said "stop? But I have a skeleTON of them" I laughed, paps said "NYYYYYEEEEEEH OMG SANS STOP" He laughed "whatever" paps said "GO CALIBRATE YOUR PUZZLES I'M GOING TO BONEY IT, NYEH!" He leaves, sans said "come on guys, you can come out and continue before I kill you with my EGGtastic puns" I laughed, shelby said "heheh you are a funny guy, see ya" he said "see ya" we look away from him for a sec. And he was gone... we ignore it and continue...

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