Ch 6- Dinner with them

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Hana's pov

I'm ready for another day.

I ate a quick breakfast then manager unnie dropped me off at school. When I got to school I went straight to class.

I arrived to class 15 minutes early so I plugged in my earbuds and listened to music.

Then someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around and guess who it was.


She slapped me on the cheek.
That was for sure to leave a bruise for a while.

She's lucky I don't have anything coming up for a few days but let's hope it disappears before unnies  question me.

" Why do you always hang out with the idols, you're not special, you're just a little ugly nerd that no one likes!"

" at least I don't cake my face with make up" I mumbled.

" Yah! What did you say!" She yelled.

" nothing" I said quietly.

She went to her seat and the teacher came in along with the rest of the students.

" what happened to your cheek?" Bambam asked me.

" Yerin slapped me" I said quietly.

" I'll deal with her for you" he said while clenching his fist.

" it's ok" I said.

" fine than we will have to protect you"

" fine"

Mingyu just looked at us weirdly.

" does he know?"bambam asked me.

" yeah, I didn't tell him he just knew it was me" I answered.

" Mingyu, you can't tell anyone it's me" I told him.

He just nodded.

When lunchtime came around I sat with my usual group.

Soon school was over and manager picked me up. She dropped me back at the house and I saw Sunny(nickname of Sunhee) watching a drama in the living room, Jinnie(nickname of Jinhee) making dinner, and Jennie or Jenjen(Jen) playing on her phone.

"I'm homeeee!" I yelled.

" hey Hana!" Sunny said.

" why don't we invite our neighbors over for dinner?" Jinnie asked us.

" Sure but which neighbors" I asked her.

" hmmmm, how about Astro" she said.

" sure" I replied, then remembered that means moonbin would be here.

All of my unnies were smirking. Oh yeaaaah, they know about moonbin.

I started blushing but idk why.

" awwww, our maknae is in looooove!" Jennie exclaimed.

" Hana, you go to their house and invite them" Jinnie said.

" ok" I happily said and walked out of the house. I rang their doorbell....

*ding* *dong*

Sanha opened the door.
" nooona!" He yelled.

I'm a couple months older than him.
" what are you doing here?!?!" He asked.

" are the members here and can I come in?" I asked him.

" yep they are here and you can come in anytime!" He said excitedly.
We went to the living room where all the members were.


All their attention was on me

" hi guys" I said and smiled.

Moonbin's pov

"Hi guys" she said and smiled.
That smile melted our hearts.

" Do y'all want to come over for dinner?" She asked us.

" of course!!" We all said in unison.

" ok, see you later" then she left.

" Guys, tell me the truth" I said to them.

" what" they all replied.

" Do you like her?" I blurted out.

" whaaaat!"

" I said, do you guys like Hana?" I asked them again.

" I like her as a sister" MJ said.

That's a relief.

"I have a crush on her" Eunwoo admitted. Oh no.

" me too...." rocky said.

" she's like a sister to me" Jinjin said.

" even though I'm younger than her only my a few months, I still have a crush on her" Sanha said.

Okay so only three members to compete with. Wait no because there are other male idols that have a crush on her or she is their ideal type plus all the fanboys.

I've got a lot of competition.

"May the best man win" I said.

" your on"

Hana's pov

I set the table and soon the door bell rang.

It must be the boys.

" I'll get it" I yelled. I opened the door and I was right it was the boys but they all were dressed nice. I mean we were also dressed nice but they looked GOOD.

Especially moonbin. Ughhhh, he looked haawt. I didn't realize I was staring until someone called me,

" Hana, are you listening!" Jinnie unnie said.
" h-h-huuuhh..... oh what were you saying?" I asked but unnies were just laughing.

I started to blush.

" I was talking about your little crusbsbbdndndndnd" I covered her mouth before she could say anything else.

I obviously sat next to moonbin. We didn't talk much because I was too scared to say the wrong thing even though I'm known as Diamond, The Diamond that isn't supposed to be shy.

I occasionally saw him staring at me and we made eye contact which caused both of us to look away and blush at times.

I don't know why but some of the other members in astro looked jealous for some reason but oh well.

We finished eating and Astro stood up and bow

" kahamsamnida for the food" they said.

" your welcome" we said back.

Hope you liked the fast update but I don't have many ideas now and I know exo and nct wasn't in this chapter but please be patient they will be in the FF soon!

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