Ch 9- People know

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Hana's pov
???: should we wake her
???: idk
???: what if she's late and it's our fault
???: the teachers know she's an idol remember
???:oh yeah
I woke up to my unnies talking in my room. "I'm up unnies!" I said and shoved them out my room while closing the door. I quickly got ready in my disguise. Soon I quickly snuck out of the house taking like three granola bars with me and I was literally acting like a spy so none of our neighbors would see me. Dundunduunnnnn!!!! I didn't get caught! *Phew* I started walking and soon reached school. I went to my locker and saw a note in it. I hope it's not a love letter if that person found out who I really am but nope. I opened it and it was a threatening letter.
Dear NERD,
How many times do I have to say this for you to catch on but STAY AWAY FROM ALL THE IDOLS!!!!!! If you don't then watch out because we're coming for you! 😏
-you know who
Nope. I don't know who. But I can guess. Mabey Liza the class president? Nope, she's too nice. Hyerin the dumb head cheerleader? No she's too dumb. I got it!!! It has to be Yerin 😡because she's the one that keeps on saying that to me. I crumbled up the note and threw it into the trash from a distance like a basketball. Then I walked to class. "Hey Hana! Do you have anything today?" Bambam asked me. "Yeah, I'm leaving at lunchtime to film another episode of a drama" "you're lucky, I have to stay here and study!" I just laughed at his statement. Then class started and soon it was lunchtime. I got my stuff together and started walking out. All the teachers knew I was leaving so it was fine.
Little did she know that someone was watching her.
??? Pov (same person in ch 2)
I wasn't hungry so I went to the roof to you know, chill there then I saw something unbelievable. The nerd walked out the school and she looked around as if she was making sure nobody was around. Then she took out her braid and let her hair flow loose. Then she took off her glasses which I assume are fake now that I see her. She looked like a totally different person!!!! Wait, that's no ordinary person! That's an idol! She's Diamond from GEMZ. Before I could take a better look at her, she went into a black limo and drove off. Should I tell anyone? No, I should make sure it's true by asking her then get some signatures or something.  This has to be real otherwise why else would she go with bambam in the middle of schooltime into a mysterious black van.

Hana's pov
I probably shouldn't have took off my disguise on school grounds but I did anyway. What If someone saw! THAT WOULD BE SOOOOOO BAD!!!! We drove to the place to film the drama. After filming the drama there was only one class left and I was lazy so we went back to the house. I took a short nap then I got a text from Soorin.
*text conversation*
h= Hana
S= Soorin
S-how come you weren't in class after lunch
H- I threw up so I had to go home
Ugh, I'd hate to lie to her but I have to
S- oh ok, hope you feel better
H-thnx and are you free right now
S-yeah why?
H-wanna come to bubble tea shop with me? I'm already feelin better so I can go
No. Not another lie, well technically it's not a lie bc I feel fine sooo....
S-sure , I'll be there in five
H- 👌🏼
I went to the bubble tea place and got my drink then sat at a table in the corner. Soon Soorin came and ordered her drink then sat down with me. "Is there anything you wanna tell me?" She asked. "Uhhh yeah" I said. "What is it" I went closer to her and whispered in her ear, "I'm actually an idol" She burst out laughingz Even laughing with tears. Like this 😂. Then she stopped laughing and looked at me. I looked serious. "That was great acting but there's no way....." she trailed off. I logged into my insta account and showed her my profile. "NO WAY!!!!!MY BESTIE IS AN IDOL and that's DIAMOND FROM GEMZ!!" She whisper shouted. "You're one of my biases but actually my ultimate bias is GD" I still remember that her bday is coming up soon and I have the best surprise/gift for her. I took her to our house and in the car took out my braid and glasses. "You look totally different!" She exclaimed. We went into our dorm and she looked completely shocked. It was so big to her. That's what me and the girls thought at first too. "Wow, you live here?" "Yeah but with GEMZ of course. " we looked around then I heard the doorbell. I opened the door and it was V! "Hi V may I help you?" "Oh I wanted to say hi since I haven't seen you in forever!" He said cheerfully. "Oh ok hi" I said. "Wait why is Soorin here, she's one of my classmates!" He said. "Yeah I heard that and she is my friend so yeah!" I replied. "That's cool, see you around diamond!" "Bye" I answered. "I didn't know they knew you as yourself?" "Yeah they only like the diamond version of me except tae, he's nice to me even when I'm a nerd!" I said. "That's good" she said . Soorin had to leave then my unnies came back and we ate the dinner Jinnie prepared. "Gomawo(if that's right) for the food" me, sunny, and Jen said at the same time. "No problem, I'll cook anytime for my donsaengs!" She said. I went upstairs and as usual took a shower and did my skincare routine then I sat on my bed using my phone. I fell asleep without knowing it.
*the next day at lunch*
It was lunchtime and I was online to get my food. When I got out of the line I saw Soorin waving for me to sit with her but also saw Got7 and twice waving at me. I went over to Soorin and grabbed her wrist then headed to the got7 and twice table. "Hana, what are you doing , that's the twice and got7 table!" "They're my friends remember" "oh yeah I almost forgot that yourndnjdjdnmdm" I covered her mouth before she could reveal my secret to the whole school. We sat down at the table. "It's ok, I told her already" "ok" we happily ate lunch when I was walking out, someone grabbed my wrist dragging me to an empty classroom. "V?" I said. "Hana I know your secret, it's ok, I won't tell" he said. "w-what s-secret, I d-don't have a s-secret" "stop pretending Hana, you're actually Diamond from GEMZ thats why when I went to your house Soorin was there." "Ok I am her but don't tell ANYONE!!!" I whisper shouted. "I also saw you taking off your disguise and going into the limo, I was on the roof skipping lunch bc I wasn't hungry then I saw you. " he said. Darn it ! I knew I made a mistake. Oh well, you can't turn back time so..... After school, I went straight home and took a nap. After the nap, I did my homework and ate dinner with the girls. Once again, I did my usual night routine and fell asleep super fast. What a long and eventful day.
Ohhhhh, Taetae and Soorin know!!' Does anyone else find out?!?!?!

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