[Starmyu] How it all Started

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So how I Started my obsession for Starmyu

It all started back in late 2015 which I was watching Random Anime shows, I first found it on a TV Channel called Hero TV I was basically bored at that time and I was watching with my cousin where we randomly watch together. I was a fan of Music Anime and I came from the fandom of Love Live and Hetalia as I was watching there I'm like getting a interest for it because I easily fell in love with any Music Animes especially idol ones, The very first episode I watch in Starmyu is Episode 3 which I randomly watch and literally I got a head on interest to Nayuki because of his precious face.
My cousin literally told me that do I have a crush on Nayuki and I said no

So 1 Week Later I watch the 4th Episode on Hero TV because back them my first reaction to starmyu is okay, Like I'm just gonna watch it randomly but just looking at Kaito especially in Limited Sky my mouth was wide open and started to cry, I don't know what happen but by the end of the episode I was like "That's It I'm going to watch it properly!!"

I finished the 1st Season of Starmyu for 3 Days because I only watch it in the middle of the night and the results are:

Riles (My Cousin): So what happen?
Lia: It's so amazing.. TOTALLY AMAZING!!!!
Riles: Okay Calm Down-
Riles: Are you kidding me?
Lia: Just try and watch it!! I swear you'll never regret it!! *breathing intensifies*

And yeah that's what happen but literally I could relate Tsukigami in my life, My mom is well known in the town where I live, My dad is well known in his company and my older brother is well known in the school where I'm studying as for me, Whatever I do I can't even reach the same level as my family does especially for me brother even tho I still care about him

But Honestly this previous obsession last for like a month after Hetalia dragged me back but I return from the graves after knowing the 2nd Season


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