§§screams and sorrows§§P1

10 6 0

These kids may have thought they got rid of me, but I've only just begun. Yes I am a hacker and it took years for me to make my empire. That's why no one will stop me, and no one knows who I really am. I am tracking their every move so when I find them, I will KILL them all.

Back too the story

This is weird and how will I get too beat the ENDER DRAGON shayne said with weirdness. Afk Plasma said. Okay we will protect you. And he is back


Okay guys ima tell you what I do sometimes

I play roblox

I play geometry dash

I read

I make my story

Then I play roblox again

Back too the story:

So we're at the end and we are trying too figure out how too beat the ender dragon untill we found §§HACKER§§


He he you already know me ?? Said

He changes his skin



*herobrine strucks us with lightning*

*Plasma screams* AHHHHHHHHHH!!!

we kill the ender dragon but before we can even hit herobrine. he kills Dan

DAN NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! shayne screams.

He was a friend of mine NOW HE KILLS HIM shayne growls.

Can't defeat me now can you herobrine says.

*Plasma stabs him with his sword and puts him too a wall*

TIME TOO END THIS shayne says.

*shayne slices his head off*

*they teleport back too the world*

YES WE KILLED HIM they all yell except one!!

*back at the ender world*

Dantdm lays there dead untill he opens his eye and he teleports back too the world.


What will they do next stay tuned for part 2.

Okay ima do a part 2 still on this chapter I was going too make it longer okay ima get started with part 2


Shayne: Do you guys miss Dan

Others: yeah

*Dan teleports too were the other teleported at*

All: DAN

Dan: hey guys for some reason I was knocked out from herobrine but im OK

Plasma: okay guys we need too survive the night for now on because I heard that there are more monsters than usual.

All: Ok

Shayne's thoughts: Dan is acting strange now I don't know why ima find out

Back too the story

*a spider appears at the window*

Others: AHHHHH

Shayne: you guys are scaredy cats

*shayne kills the spider and walks back too the house*

Biscuit: -_-

Shayne: what

*iiCaxZek mhd joins the game*

Shayne: my server is popular 😆😂

iiCaxZek mhd: hai my name is Jake

Shayne: Hai jake my name Is Shayne

Plasma: hai my name is plasma

Biscuit: hai my name is biscuit

Dan: hai my name is Dan

Jake: hehe


So that was the end of this chapter do you think something is wrong with Jake or no.


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