Chapter 2!

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**Fred's POV**

The train finally reaches Hogsmeade. I grin at George at prepare to follow him as he dashes out of the compartment with Imogen.

"Uh, ahem...Fred?"

I turn around and see Bailey with her hands on her hips.


"You're not going to help me with my luggage again?"

"No" I laugh. "You can get it yourself!"

Bailey turns away, looking hurt. Damn, I forgot she's super sensitive. Great way to get a girl to like you Freddy. Ugh I'm such an idiot!

Yep, that's right, I like Bailey. Ever since I first saw her back in our first year, which is weird though, since we were only eleven...

"Hey-hey! I was only kidding, of course I'll help you. Oh Bails you're such a dag." I walk over to hug her, she laughs/sobs into my chest. If only we could stay like this forever.

"Come on, we've got to go."

I help her get her trunk and cage down and we get off the train.

"What happened to you guys?" George asks when we meet up with them. Imogen whispers something to him and he laughs loudly. "He wishes!" He laughs again.

Bailey's eyes narrow, "What did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing." George grins. 

"George!" Bailey whines. "What did she say!"

"Yeah." I add. "What'd Imogen say?"

Imogen shrugs her shoulders and whispers something to Bailey.

"Wha-EW! Gross, we were NOT making out- ugh you're so sick Imogen!" Bailey cries. 

"You- you really said that?" I stammer. 

"ooh, someone's blushing." George nudges me. I slap his arm away. "Rack off!" 

"Ok, very mature guys." Bailey says. "Come on lets go."


**Bailey's POV**

"Are you sure you're not trying out for Quidditch this year?" Fred tugs my arm as we walk to Potions. 

"Fred!" I groan. "You know I suck at Quidditch!"

"You don't suck." Fred protests (A/N: NO JIMMY PROTESTED)

"Yes i do!"





"Well you're better than Imogen." He points.

"Hey!" I hear Imogen call behind us.

"Yeah that's true, but everyone's better than Imogen!"

"Bailey!" Imogen cries.

I turn around. "But it's true!"

"Yeah, but still."

Fred tugs my arm again. "I'll train you."

I laugh. "There's no way that won't end in diaster."

"Hey! i'm a great teacher!"

"Ok Fred."

"Ok you'll try?"

"No, Ok you're insane!"


I'm sitting on my broom, 50 feet in the air, Quaffles racing around my head.

"I hate you Fred!" I yell and fold my arms.

"Love you to!" He calls as he whizzes past.

I still don't know how he conned me into training with him. One minute I'm sutdying for Charms, next minute he's dragging me and my broom outside.

"Hey!" Fred flies back over to me. "You're folding your arms!"

I roll my eyes. ""

"If you can fold your arms you can catch a ball!"

"No no no, Fred! I don't think thats a goo-"

I'm too late.

Fred throws the Quaffle to me.

I try to catch it. 

And then I'm falling. 

I close my eyes and brace for impact with the ground. 

A few seconds pass, and I haven't hit the ground. 

Slowly, I open my eyes, i'm hovering just above the ground. George walks over with his wand out. "Good one Fred!" He  says. 

"Oh shi- I'm so sorry Bailey!" Fred runs over to me and practically falls beside me. "Are you ok?" 

"I think so." I mutter and George lets me drop to the ground. 

"So I guess Chaser's out of the picture." He laughs shakily. 

I scowl at him and get up. My head is spinning. "I think I need to lie down." 

"Here, I'll help you to your dorm." Fred offers.

I wave my hand. "No no, it's fine, I can make it myself. 


Imogen looks up as I enter our dorm. 

"How was Qudditch training?"

"Oh great, Fred knocked me off my broom."

Her mouth opens "He what?"

"Nah, it's ok, I'm fine." 

"Oh, you sure."

"Yeah." I sit down on my bed. 

"So anyway, guess who I'm going on our first Hogsmeade trip with!"

I lie back. "I dunno, who?"

"Oliver, Wood!"

"Really, how'd you mange that?"

"I dunno, I was reading in the common room and he asked me out!"

"Good for you." I say, trying to act happy, which is hard, seeing as i'm dead tired.

"So who are you going with?"

"Me? Ugh, i don't know, I didn't know it was a "date" thing."

"I think you should ask Fred."


"Fred's POV**

I'm the last one left on the Quidditch field. George left ages ago, I stayed so I can perfect my turning, they're geting a little sloppy. 

After 10 more minutes I decide to turn in. I fly to the ground, dismount my broom and head to the exit when I'm confronted by a Ravenclaw student. i've seen her around I think, but i don't know her name.

"Fred?" She asks hopefully.

"Uh, yes. Do I know you?"

"No, I'm Emily Arter. I saw you flying there, you're really good."


"I was just wondering, would you help me with Quidditch, i've always wanted to play, I'm just not very good."


I'm still confused about what's happening.

"So will you help me?"

"Uh-yeah, sure."

"Great!" She smiles. "See you at the field tomorrow." 

She walks off happily. I scrach my head. 

What did I just get myself into?


sorry for the long wait :) hoped you liked it!!

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