Break Up

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It's been a month since the war ended. And Ginny must admit that things aren't great with Harry. Sure they still in relationship but she's been having her doubts about him and they seem stray away from each other.

Until Ginny decided to talk to him.

"Harry can I talk to you?"

"Yeah sure. Come on let's talk outside"

They are all staying at the Burrow. So if they stay talking inside then there'll be a lot of eavesdropping from any other so it's better if they talk outside.

"So what are you wanna talk about?" Harry ask casually. His hands are tucked in his jeans.

"I don't think we should continue this Harry. I mean, look at us. We don't.. I mean.. you feel it too, right?" I look straight at him in the eye.

"Yeah and truth is our relationship is not the way it was. So um.. what if we stay just as friend? Because I do love you Ginny. But not in that way"

"Wow. Really? Then why aren't you just said that to me?"

"Because I don't wanna hurt your feeling. And sure we had a good time and real connection. But I just don't feel like that anymore"

"So do I. And I really think you have a great idea. We were friends before right? So why not just stay as friend ?"

"I'm glad you think so too. So friends?" He giving me his hand so I can shake it as a deal to our break up and decision.

"Friends" I shook his hand and we both smile widely. Then he pull me into a hug and I inhaled his smell that use to intoxicating and attracted me so much but now it's just seem plain to me.

"I hope you find a good girl"

"I hope you find a good boy too"

"No I don't want a good boy. They're too boring. I want adventure, I want someone to love me passionately. I want someone who wants to ride or die with me"

"Well we all know that girls love bad boys"

"That's true" I wink at him and he smile at me. That is until someone calls his name from far and I knew that voice too.


"Hermione!" His face lighted up at the sight of her. And the way he looked at her I knew it.

You have found her, you have found the one for you Harry. You just have to be a man and tell her everything, I  thought.

Then she pulled him into a bear hug and when they pulled away she smiled at me.

"Hey Ginny" she hugged me too and I hugged her back.

"Oh Hermione how I've missed you!"

"Me too!"

"Wait I'm not interrupting anything aren't I?" With concerned She looked at me then look at Harry.

"Not at all. We were just breaking up" I say straightforward.

"Really? Why ? You guys are so great together"

"Yeah just like you and Ron"

"No. We decided to broke up too. So now I'm single"

"Oh really? That's why he's been disappearing lately. I thought he was on a date with you"

"No. He said to me that he only loves me as a sister and best friend"

"Oh Harry just said the same thing for me. Minus the best friend part"

"Well now were a single ladies!" Hermione and I giggling like a teenager and Harry just rolled his eyes at us.

"Girls" he muttered.

"Come on let's get inside and have dinner otherwise mum will have all of our heads for being outside too long!"

We all chuckled Then we start walking back to the house.

And I Ginevra Molly Weasley is now a Single Lady.

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