Let you go

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Dedicated to the lovely HarmioneAlways17 😍

Happy reading guys! 😉


After his departure, all of them stays in silent. Ginny's frozen in her state. Her thoughts are on haywire.

She shake her head and gulped nervously. But still didn't say anything to them.

Hermione is the one who's making the first move. She moves to the shocked pregnant witch and rubbed her friend shoulder soothingly.

"Gin I.."

"It's alright. Just go home you guys. I'm.. im really tired.."

"Ginny.." Pansy is now standing up and looking at her sympathetically.

"No. Don't come near me. Don't touch me" Ginny said, backed down from Hermione.

"I.. i just need to be alone.."

"Ginny.." this time Ronald tried to talk some senses into her but got the reaction that stunned them all.

"Get the hell out of here!!" Ginny screamed and Hermione's tear pouring out of her eyes. Harry moves to calm her.

"We're going now Ginny. Calm yourself. Don't do anything stupid" harry said to her and didn't get a reply from her. He sighed heavily before put his arms at Hermione's shoulder and five second after that they're disappareated from her apartment.

Pansy and Ronald stayed for another second but Pansy pulled her husband so they can do apparate together. Ronald sighed heavily before hold his wife hands and they both gone too.

Ginny broke down. She fall to her knees and crying her heart out. She knows that he most definitely wouldn't want to stay with her after he found out about her pregnancy. But it still hurt her so much.

The look of rejection in his face when he knows that she's pregnant. She knows for sure that she can never forget his face at that moment till the day she died.

She curled up like a little kitten in the floor. Merlin why is this happening to me! What did I do to deserve this? This heartache? Please Merlin bring him back to me.

I only want him. No one else. I want my Draco to come back to me.

She clutched her hands in pain and gritted her teeth. This pain is to much to bear. Merlin I really need him now. I wanted him to hold me. Not leave me like this. Ginny thought.

She still didn't move from her state. She fallen asleep because of tiredness. Her tears still leave a trace on her satin like skin. She didn't know that Draco was drunken his ass off with his old pal, Blaise Zabini.

"Mate where are you all this time? You've never even called me anymore you git"

"Oh come on Zabini. You're the one who's never even called me anymore. Fucking every different witch every night eh?" Half drunken Draco said, smirking at Zabini while the latter smirk back at him.

"No. Unfortunately no. I already found one lady to satisfy my needs. But she's been hard to contact lately"

"Really? My my! Who would've thought that?! I thought you still shagging every different witch every night"

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