S2 « Turning Tables | Part I » #Ep1

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« | Three Months Later | »

Cameron Pov:
• 5:45 pm •

The topic that was brought up after Christopher announced the future birth of his child still haven't been addressed. Chris keeps avoiding the topic of my biological parents as jordan remains clueless.

Clouds slowly gathered in the sky as the sun had soon became invisible. He blew his whistle as they all gathered towards the center. My eye twitched as a rain drop fell onto my eyelash. Shaking the distraction out my head as he finally approached me.

"Sorry I have you waiting in this weather" he softly spoke as he dried the sweat from his cheek with his jersey. He didn't speak as he rubbed the pin on my backpack handle. "Glad you still have it" he AcKnowledged

"You know this is unfair right?" I stated with a steal face as he stepped closer to me. "It's not right Francisco. You damn near made me promise that Oliver wouldn't get between us, but now your parents are stopping us from being together. You're going against your own word bae" I sighed

"Francisco I told you I didn't want to go through this again. Not with him and especially not with you franc" i hissed as there was a ruble in the sky causing Francisco to look up. "Listen" he spoke grabbing my face.

"Nothing will break what we have, not him nor my parents" he suggested. "If you want exclusive you got it" his eyes wondered behind me as he stepped closer to my ear. "I'm about to change your life" he whispered before stepping back.

"Looks like your ride is here" he smiled as I looked back to Chris pulling up. Sighing as I looked forward to Francisco walking away. "Ugh" I scuffed slowly walking off as it started to drizzle.

Pulling open the passenger door as I got in closing the front vents. The cold are made me shiver as Chris pulled off. Music lowly played in the background as I scrolled through my Instagram ' like'ing ' pictures.

"How was school?" I knew a question was coming, just didn't know when. "Fine" I dryly mumbled still keeping my eyes on my screen. "Was that Francisco?" He asked. "Yup" I replied keeping my answers short.

"Are you hungry?" He asked as his tone was changing. "Nope" I mumbled as I locked my phone looking out the window. He was about to speak as I interrupted him. "Dad can we just get home please" I mumbled.

He didn't say anything as the rain began to fall harder. The windshield wipers glided across the glass as I noticed him turning down a different street. I didn't bother to question our direction as I closed my eyes wishing the ride would end.

The car came to a stop as my grandparents house became visible. He hit the garage opener as it slowly let up. "Perfect" I annoyingly mumbled under my breath with a deep sigh. "Come on" Chris said opening his door as the garage was letting down.

Following behind him as I could smell my grandmother preparing dinner. She smiled hard slowly walking up to me as she hugged me. "It's so good to see you" the back of her fingers caressed my cheek as she moved over to Chris.

He kissed her cheek as they walked towards the stove. "Cameron" my grandfather called out as he waved me over. Him and Chris nodded at each other as I rolled my eyes walking behind him.

The hallway was dark as we walked down. The rain pounded on the glass windows as he opened his office door. "Take a seat" he spoke before clearing his voice. I stood there as he sat in his chair. He reached for his glasses looking up at me. "Sit Down Boy" he pointed with demand in his voice.

"Word really travels when it comes to you and your brother" he spoke flipping through this book. "He's not my brother" I mumbled under my breath. He turned this photo album towards me as I stayed leaned back in the chair.

Leaning forward as I glared at the photos turning the page. "That's Jr. Mom" I mumbled. "And that's your mother next to her" he spoke as my eyes looked up at him. "Is it really?" I asked pilling the plastic back taking the picture out.

He flipped a few pages pulling out another picture. "You and your parents" he said sliding the picture towards me. "Why am I just seeing this?" I asked looking at both of the photos. My eyes slowly begun to water. "Chris didn't realize it until you were adopted that jinn was your mother" he said as I held the photos.

"See Drew and Chris played basketball together" he said showing me their picture. "Jinn and Jr mom were sisters, Jr mom died giving birth to him, we moved to Texas to give Chris a fresh start and we never went back" he said looking at me.

"Cameron listen to me son, regardless on who your real father is, Chris and Jordan truly love you." He said as I smacked my lips. "You don't lie to people you love" I smirked. "They protected you from the pain that you're feel now, there's never a good time to address anything like this Cameron" he said with a serious face.

"Protect me from what pa? Me now knowing my parents?" I semi screamed as the door opened. "Dad I'll take it from here" Christiano softly spoke walking in. My grandfather stood up looking at me as he walked over. His hand cuffed my shoulder before he walked out the door.

"No stay seated" Chris said as I was about to stand up. He sat on the edge of the desk looking down at me. "When Jr. Mom passed jinn took it hard" he said as I interrupted him. "Took it hard how?" I asked as his facial expressions changed.

"Jr. Mom and jinn weren't just  sister they were best friends, so her death was hard for your mother. Your mom didn't have a childhood, she was out there, heavy on drugs and all that other stuff" he said rubbing his eyes moving closer to me. "Cameron your parents didn't die in a plane crash" he sighed looking into my eyes. "Your mom dropped you off at a foster home, soon after she murdered your father than committing suicide" he sadly spoke handing me an old news article.

Scratching my head reading the article as a tear hit the print. Closing my eyes, shaking my head in disbelief. He bent down pulling me up as he hugged me. "I never wanted you to find out this way Cameron" he spoke into my ear as my breathing grew rapped from me trying to control my emotions.

"When jordan saw you he knew you were the one without reading your File. When I laid eyes on you" he said leaning my head up. "A bond grew instantly, when I saw you, I saw a reflection of me and Jr. You became my son without being blood. I love you Cameron, we love you son" he spoke as I stepped back.

"Why would she . ."
"Like . . . "
Sighing as I balled up the news paper.

"She didn't love me" I mumbled

Chris rubbed my shoulder. "Cameron your mom loved you, she was sick and she knew the only way she could show her love to you was by dropping you off at that foster home. Nobody knows why she did what she did, but you can't beat yourself up about her mistakes. You're here, you're alive and you have a family and a brother who loves you" he spoke as I hugged him.

He stood there for a second as he kissed the top of my head. "I'm sorry dad" I mumbled as he rubbed my back. "I'm sorry you found out this way, no more secrets" he said pulling me back. "So you're right, Jr isn't your brother, but he's your closest cousin, so you guys have to stick together okay and I mean that Cameron" he said looking me into my eyes.

"Jr can be an asshole, I know, but he means well and he cares about you. So when we get home, can you be the bigger brother this time and forgive?" He asked as I chuckled. "Ahhh, sure. I guess" I mumbled.

"Speaking of, how did you find out?" He asked as I walked out the room. He called for me as he caught up to me. "Promise me you won't over react?" I said as he looked at me weird. "Promise dad?!" I demanded as he nodded. "Francisco mom dug into you and dad passed and pulled up some stuff" I mumbled. "Excuse me!?" He deeply spoke squeezing to my shoulder.

| To be continued |

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