S3 « Warm blooded » #Ep 2

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                                      « Francisco in the mm »

                    « 54 days left of summer »

Cameron Pov:

Several weeks have passed since Jr and Maya have brought home Alvarò. The conversation that raised eyebrows on both sides had finally came to an agreement.

The first month maya parents and our parents came to an agreement that Jr. would stay with Maya's family until Alvarò became old enough to make the transitions between both homes.

Now that jr is moving into his senior year, our parents have also agreed to grant him authorization to his trust fund. Under strict restrictions.

"Do you see this contract"

He paced back and forth between my restroom and closet reading the paper out loud. "I have to maintain a 3.2 gpa, i can't miss any days of school, no physical altercations. What the hell" he paused flipping the next page.

"What's the point of getting my Trust if i have a monthly allowance" he huffed out annoyed dropping the paper to his side.

"You're being extra. Let's just start there" i spoke walking up to him. I wiggles my fingers signaling him to hand over the contract.

"The gpa makes since, with Your Trust this early, i can see you now taking school less serious" i mumbled walking away from him as i sat on my bed.

Francisco hands wrapped my waist as he was laying behind me. I read down towards the agreement section looking at the amount of his allowance as i showed the paper to Francisco.

"Did you read the last section?" I asked as he walked over grabbing the paper that i held out.

He reviewed it as he read out loud. "Keep reading" i mumbled as he was getting closer to the last section. "Like i said, you're being mad extra right now Christopher" i chuckled.

"True bro, at least you're getting four thousand a month, up until graduation, than you'll have full access after. It's actually really smart"  Francisco spoke leaning up.

"Seriously think about it, you'll learn to budget yourself with a small portion of it, so once you receive the full amount you won't blow through it in a few years. You're parents are smart" he said before kissing the back of my arm.

"Jr. Sir what bills do you have?" I chuckled. "You're jeep note and insurance is less than six hundred combined. You'll literally have thirty four hundred to spend on anything you want. Seriously there's kids out there who will never get the option of a trust fund be happy" i semi groaned becoming annoyed with his ungrateful attitude.

He paused looking at me and Francisco. He sighed scratching above his eyebrow. Jr closed the door walking up to me. "Do you know what my Gpa is right now?" He mumbled looking slightly embarrassed.

"It's a 2.7 Nigga, Dad told me to bring a copy of my transcript and this signed"  he spoke waving the paper. "On top of that look" he said turning to the first page. "I will officially be cut off from the join account, which means I'll literally be covering everything myself without help from them" he sighed as Francisco chuckled.

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