Puddles - Iwaoi

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prompt credit to insomniackid7 on tumblr because I don't have any original ideas atm 

also just imagine the image somewhat resembles Miyagi


It was raining. 


Winter in Miyagi was hell this year.

August was when it usually rained, but at least then in was hot. Generally, Oikawa doesn't mind it that much, as long as he stays out of it - it makes it slightly harder to practice, sure, but at least it wasn't pouring down with the full force of the heavens like it was now. He ducked under small awnings as he dashed along the street, abandoning his usually graceful demeanor, tripping, stumbling, and shoving people out of the way to try and catch up with Iwaizumi, who was seemingly the only person brave enough to fully walk out in the rain. In fact, he didn't even seem to be bothered at all, striding out, not caring if he was stepping in the pools of water that grouped around the drains, a stoic and highly intimidating glare set on his face.

"If the wind blows any harder, your face'll get stuck like that, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa yelled over the thunder of raindrops on concrete, somehow managing to get his foot caught on a completely random part of a wall that jutted out awkwardly onto the sidewalk, lurching forward. Cursing the architects for making poor life choices, he was forced to break into a jog to get even remotely close to Iwaizumi. 

The rain was somehow getting stronger, ricocheting off of the cobbled smooth pavement and bouncing up to even reach the pedestrians' knees. Rivers of fast-flowing rainwater were now streaming down every indent in the concrete they could find, and puddles were growing larger by the second.

Iwaizumi sent a stern look back at Oikawa that told him very clearly to hurry the hell up. Oikawa stared back at him, awestruck, in a mixture of confusion and admiration as Iwaizumi marched forward as if he were going to war. He noted the similar looks given by the other passersby, who were also huddled against the protection of the shops, barging past each other to try and get to their destinations.

Without any warning, a large car that probably contributed to half the earth's fossil fuel emissions went speeding past, far too close to the curb and blaring some obnoxiously loud song Oikawa had never heard.

In one, swift movement, the car ploughed through a sea of water collected in the gutter, sending a tidal wave of dirty water into the air.

The world seemed to shift into slow motion as the fountain of storm-water flew into the air, pausing in a somewhat graceful arc, before falling gradually back onto the ground.

Or, rather, onto Iwaizumi.

As the water struck his already soaked form, it cascaded down his head, his hair making tracks for the drops to follow. The wave poured down his back in rivulets, making its way to once again lay on the pavement.

His arms were tensed and raised slightly in a futile attempt to defend himself. Oikawa looked on, face frozen in a unique mix of horror and amusement as he covered his mouth with his hand. 

Iwaizumi slowly turned to face Oikawa. His face was the very picture of fury. Oikawa had known him long enough to know that when Iwaizumi couldn't blame the perpetrator, he would blame the next best person. And in this case, the next best person just so happened to him.

But before Iwaizumi could even open his mouth to start spitting accusations, Oikawa's own mouth had betrayed himself and he was spewing laughter. He doubled over, a slender hand raising against his will and pointing a finger at Iwaizumi. 

Oh, lord. Oikawa's subconscious was screaming at him. He was going to be in for it. But... he just couldn't help it. Iwaizumi looked so... bedraggled. Helpless, even. It was too good. Far too good. He didn't think he'd seen his boyfriend look like this since... Well, he hadn't ever seen him look like this.

At some point in his laughing fit, Oikawa had stumbled closer to Iwaizumi - still out of the rain, of course, but under one of the larger awnings nearer to the road so he could get a closer look at his suffering significant other. From behind the cover of the pouring rain and his own laughter, Oikawa could pick up the faint tune of an oddly familiar song, though he couldn't for the life of him think of what the name was, or where he had heard it before.

The answer finally struck him when the song got louder.

But only once the muddy water had already soaked him.


"Iwa-chan, my hair," Oikawa moaned, flopping dramatically onto Iwaizumi's chest as the latter carefully towel-dried his body, clad in just his underwear.

"Stop being an idiot, I'll dry yours after mine," he grumbled, moving the towel faster over his chest so he would be able to shut Oikawa up.

"But it's ruined!" Oikawa whinged, wringing his hands through the limp, reeking locks that hung shapelessly on his head.

"We both know that's not how hair works. Stop acting like a child."

"I want to take a shower," he huffed, furrowing his brow and turning his head to the side.

"Tooru, that would be pointless. I've just finished drying you off, and now I'm almost dry too. Why would you take a shower?" Iwaizumi sighed, still not giving Oikawa the attention he wanted, too used to his usual antics.

Oikawa gasped happily. "You called me Tooru! You never call me Tooru! You usually call me some stupid nickname like Shi-"

"Oi! You know what? Fine. We'll take a shower. You stink anyway."

"I never said anything about us taking a shower together! Iwa-chan, you pervert! Well, I can't say I'm against the idea..." Oikawa smirked, his mood changing from an insistent toddler to the flirtatious man that he was in the matter of seconds.

"Oh, for god's... Sure. Just hurry up."

Oikawa smiled smugly to himself as he sauntered towards the bathroom.



A/N: this took so much more time than it should have lmao 

It's also probably ridden with mistakes because I just want to get it up at this point whoops

Sorry I didn't get this out earlier, I had a debate for school that I had to stress over so that was fun *cough* but it's over now so I should back to updating this book around Wednesday/Thursday :)

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