Chapter 2

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- Cry's POV -

I was eating my second vanila ice-cream whena woman who was announcing flights said that plane from Sweden is going to land soon. I got nervous again. What if he won't like me? What if he will reject me? Questions like these were attacking my mind and poisoning it. When I saw the plane I felt that my tummy started to hurt. "Damn..." I cursed in my mind. A second later I got a message from Pewds

"Plane landed, be ready ;D"

Panic raised in me as I read SMS. "Cry, calm the fucking down... its going to be okay.." I tried to calm myself, but I guess it was useless. I didn't even notice when someone stood next to me.

"Hey, Cry..?" familiar voice interrupted me in my 'battle'. I jumped and looked up. It was Pewds, in his blue t-shirt with brofists, light brown trousers. When our eyes met, he smiled and I felt that my chicks are getting red. Luckily I was wearing my mask so he couldn't see it.

"H-Hi..." I said quietly. I had never felt so self-conscious in my entire life! I was speechless and nervous as hell.

- Pewdie's POV -

I was tired and I had jet lag after the flight. I looked around to see palm trees and hot sun high above in the blue cloudless sky. It was really nice hot day. I searched for Cry for quite long time, wondering if he would wear his mask or not. It got me a little nervous, yet I was happy that I was going to meet him. Finally I saw his white "face", sitting on the bench, ice-cream had half melted already. He looked like only his body was there, mind was somewhere else. I rushed in his way.

"Cry! " I said happily, but I didn't get an answer. I repeated myself. Nothing. I stepped closer and told louder

"Hey, Cry..?" he jumped. I didn't mean to scary him, but it was funny how he reacted.

"Hi..." he finally spoke. He was so quiet I hardly could understand him. Even with his mask I was able to see how he blushed. I smiled in response. "How was the flight?" Cry looked into my eyes.

"It wasn't that bad. I had felt a little sick, but there was really friendly flight attendant who helped me." I smiled even more "At the end, I almost overslept"

"Let's go home. You must be tired." I nodded as we headed to the exit of the airport. We packed my luggage to Cry's car and then we drove to his house. He was living in the apartment, on the last floor. I didn't expect that even though it was just an apartment it had with two floors. On the 'ground' floor there was big living room, kitchen, bathroom and guest room. Spiral stairs led to the 'first' floor which was a lot smaller. There was only his bedroom and room with his pc, a place where he was recording. Everything was stylish and in good taste.

"It's so lovely here... " I said, still looking around.

"Thanks" he smiled for the first time from my arrival. "You take guest room" he pointed dark brown wooden doors.

"Okay" I took my trunk.

"I'll make dinner in this time" he headed to the kitchen "Do you wish for something special?"

"Not really. Anything is okay" I smiled and opened the door.

In 'my' room I sat on the bed and finally took deep breath. Warm color of walls were relaxing. After a while I sensed beautiful smell of food. I changed my clothes and went to see what Cry was exactly doing.

"It smells amazing, Cry!" I said realizing how hungry I was.

"T-Thank you." I saw how his ears became red "Its chicken with carrot and green peas. It needs few minutes more and then we can eat" he said while washing rice under cold water.

"I just can't wait" I licked my lips.

- Cry's POV -

I only had some chicken, carrot and a little of peas in my refrigerator. I checked cupboards and found one pack of rice. I just couldn't believe I didn't check how much food I had.

"I guess I can work with that... " I sighted hoping all my ingredients aren't out of date. I was lucky today. I had even white wine. The one which Ken sent me week ago for my birthday. It was life saving. I put chicken, chopped carrot and peas into the pot and then put whole into the oven. Then I pour water into another pot, add rice and I boiled it. In that time I took out two glasses for the wine and two plates. Smell from the oven was tasty, it even made me quite hungry.

"It smells amazing, Cry!" I heard Pewds' voice

"T-Thanks" I couldn't help myself but just blushed. I told with pride what smells so good and told him to sit. He nodded with smile and sat behind the table. Rice was ready so I took the por and washed rice under cold water. I felt that my every move was being watched by Pewds. It wasn't helping me at all! When whole dish was ready I took both plates to the table. One for Pewds and one for me. Then I poured wine into glasses and finally sit in front of him.

"Bon apettite" I smiled, so he did.

"Woah, Cry! This is amazing! " he almost screamed after he tasted the chicken. I chuckled and taste it too. It surprised me how good chicken tasted. We were eating our lunch talking and laughing. Then the rest of the day Pewds and I spent on watching tv and play games. It was such nice day...

I'm done for now. I'm so sorry for such long break, I was pretty busy and to be honest I just forgot about my story! ( ╥ω╥ ) It's not like something changed, I'm still busy, but I guess writing while school or when I wait for the bus is good idea, don't you think?
Also thank you all for all these kind words under first part!
☆ ~('▽^人)


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